Monday, February 28, 2011

The TSA Wants your DNA

After touching your junk, TSA now wants to scan and harvest your DNA!

As if it's not enough for the TSA to feel you up at the airport, now they're experimenting with rapid results DNA scanners that can scan and analyze your DNA using just a drop of saliva. Spit at the TSA agent who is molesting you, in other words, and they can use that saliva to scan your DNA and then store it in a government database.

Why would they want to do that? We can only imagine. Remember, it was Alex Jones who broke the story about hospitals secretly taking blood samples of babies and handing them over to the federal government for use in a national genetic database (

The government routinely steals genetic material from people for its own nefarious purposes, as does the pharmaceutical industry. For example, the medical industry's so-called "Hela cells" which have been exploited for decades by vaccine and drug companies, were harvested and stolen decades ago from Henrietta Lacks without her permission or consent ( Hela cells are the foundation of hundreds of billions of dollars in profit for Big Pharma, and they are all based on DNA theft perpetrated by the pharmaceutical industry.

Harvesting your DNA at the airport

Now that the TSA is experimenting with portable DNA scanners, their real agenda becomes apparent: They will use airport security checkpoints to harvest DNA from the public in order to build up their government "bio bank" database of stolen DNA.

Of course, they will assure the public that they aren't storing the DNA information ...and the naked body scanners don't store images, either. Oh yeah, and the TSA's security procedures make air travel safer, too, if you can believe that.

Our source for this story is a report called "Genetic Patdown" published at ( That story reveals that a company called NetBio manufactures the portable DNA scanning devices.

That same story also reveals that the TSA rolled out these DNA screening devices without even checking with the privacy committee of the DHS. Jim Harper, who serves on that committee, is even quoted in the story saying, "We're plunging into the unknown here."

But we aren't actually. It's not unknown. History has seen this before. It's called Nazi Germany. It's called the "Police State" approach to security: Use the power of big government to target the People as if they were all criminals. Then force them at gunpoint to consent to illegal searches and violations of their privacy. Do it all under the name of "homeland security" -- or Heimatschutz in German -- and keep the American people afraid by terrorizing them with occasional scary-sounding security alerts based on staged terrorism events that are often planned, organized and carried out by the FBI!

The recent Portland "terrorism" event, for example, was actually carried out by the FBI itself which recruited and then entrapped an innocent man with a Muslin name (

The government agents that carry out these kind of evil schemes -- "Verfassungsschützer" -- are the modern-day equivalent of Hitler's secret police. You don't think the name "Homeland Security" was chosen by mere coincidence, do you? (

"Mass casualty events"

The Homeland Security Newswire publication reveals that, in 2009, DHS awarded grant money (i.e. taxpayer dollars) to a Virginia firm to develop a portable DNA testing device.

A DHS spokesperson named Christopher Miles revealed the purpose of the device, explaining it had applications in "...mass-casualty situations, reunification of family members following mass evacuations, identification of missing persons, rapid processing of crime-scene and suspect DNA, and various scientific and educational uses..."

Interesting, isn't it? Back in 2009, they never mentioned "screening the DNA of air travelers at airports." But today, barely two years later, suddenly it's no longer for "reunification of family members" but rather the harvesting of DNA from air passengers -- almost certainly without their consent!

After all, since when did the TSA ever ask for your permission to do anything?

And what's the limit for all these privacy invading searchers, anyway? Where does it end? Can the TSA demand your blood, your saliva, or even your sperm for its tests? Is it soon going to be a condition of flying that you hand over your bodily fluids to the U.S. government so they can determine whether you might be a "genetic terrorist?"


Hitler would have loved the DNA scanners for his eugenics programs, of course. It would have provided a simple, "scientific" way to determine who was of Jewish descent and therefore who got loaded up and sent away on the rail cars. (Un)-fortunately for the world, Hitler didn't have the technology to conduct DNA searches of people. But Janet Napolitano does! And she's already proved that she will go to great lengths to spy on the American people ("if you see something, say something").

I'll tell you where this is all probably headed, if you're interested to know. Before too much longer, we're going to see calls for global population controls that deny reproduction "rights" to those who don't fit the genetic profiles preferred by world governments. Genetic screening will be used to identify and then sterilize both men and women who don't fit the correct "genetic profile." These sterilizations will be delivered as vaccine shots -- a move that has already been perfectly described by Bill Gates himself, who says that vaccines are the key technology for "population control" and "reducing world population by 10 to 15 percent." (

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in fact, has been hard at work on sterilization technology called "temporary castration" that renders men infertile for six months at a time (

But who should you castrate? It's tough to know. Unless, of course, you have DNA scanners set up at government-run security checkpoints! A "bad" DNA scans earns you a court-mandated sterilization vaccination injection right on the spot. Think that's fiction? They're already using similar tactics to draw blood from drivers at DUI checkpoints.

This whole scenario with the DNA scanners and population control eugenics won't happen right away, of course. It's always step by step... ratcheting up the police state one degree at a time like boiling a live frog. With the recent passenger molestation searches introduced by the TSA, the government was trying to determine just how far they could go without people rioting in response. And it turns out that most people are so brainwashed, so devoid of critical thinking skills, and so ignorant of their own rights and powers that they will do practically anything the government tells them to do. So don't be surprised if coming soon is the government's forced extraction of bodily fluids for DNA scanning.

I suppose the TSA can pull this off while they're reaching down your pants, too, eh?

ATC Says - just in case any of you thought that the TSA's "enhanced" patdown procedures could not possibly get any more invasive. Think again my friends!
In addition to the full-body scanners and enhanced patdowns we’ll have to stand obediently still like a good little sheeple while some TSA rent-a-cop swabs the inside of our mouth. It's either that, or........NO PLANE FLIGHT FOR YOU! Now if that wasn't enough,Customs and Border Protection, another tentacle of the Department of Homeland Security, has the authority to download the contents of your laptop and mobile phone. And rip, bang, into the database it goes!

They take DNA Samples from Registered Sex Offenders..........Does this mean that not only are law abiding citizens given the same scruitiny as common criminals with the invasive TSA grope sessions and naked body it seems we are to be treated no better than degenerate sex offenders............JUST FOR GETTING ON A PLANE! This is out of hand folks! How much more of your personal privacy and liberty are you willing to surrender to these people!


Obama admin pays billions for foreign mosques

Why is the Obama administration paying billions for reconstruction of mosques in the Middle East/North Africa.........

Why is the US borrowing money to pay for this? Can anyone tell me?

ATC Says - C'mon folks is it really any wonder?

And surely you all remember this little story from last year don't you?
Concerning the proposed construction of the mosque near Ground Zero and how Obama inserted himself into that controversial debate on the side of the Imam and Islam spouting religious rights of muslims to have a worship center irregardless of the victims families of the 9/11 incident! Fortunately this construction was deemed not to take place, but the article is still of important note in reference to Obama's continued favor for Muslim rights over those of Americans

Ground Zero Mosque Exposed, Imam is on the Obama-Clinton State Department Payroll

It turns out the Obama administration thinks Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is the right man to participate in a State Department trip to Muslim countries in the Middle East.

"The State Department has no responsibility to send fruitcakes around as if they are representatives of America," says former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton, who told Fox News that Imam Rauf should be dumped from the trip and that the State Department should investigate how he was included in the first place.

"I am just amazed that he could be selected to represent our country speaking around the world," Bolton observes.

Imam Rauf has been a lightning rod for many.

While Time magazine called him "The Moderate Imam Behind The 'Ground Zero Mosque,'" he recently refused to call Hamas a terrorist organization and he has said that the United States was partly to blame for the terrorist attacks on 9-11.

In an interview with "60 Minutes," in 2001, Rauf claimed that U.S. policies were quote, "an accessory" to the 9-11 attacks.

He also was quoted in a 2008 interview for "Malaysia Matters" saying that "when people feel they've been humiliated, when people feel they've been frustrated, when people feel they've been ignored, when people feel justice is not meted, then they feel the need to conflagrate."

The controversy over the Mosque, and the Imam's views, haven't stopped the Obama administration from planning to send him soon as part of a special State Department cultural program, that reportedly includes stops in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Abu Dhabi.

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley praised the Imam, calling him "a distinguished Muslim cleric," who is part of a program where "we send people from Muslim communities here in this country around the world to help people overseas to understand our society and the role of religion within our society."

Crowley also said that fundraising on the Imam's trip for the Islamic Center would not be allowed.

It turns out that this government supported trip will be the Imam's third with the State Department. Crowley said the first was in 2007, during the Bush administration, and that Rauf went to Egypt this past January.

"We have a long term relationship with him," Crowley explained. "His work on tolerance and religious diversity is well known and he brings a moderate perspective to foreign audiences on what it is like to be a practicing Muslim in the United States."

But Bolton points to the Imam's controversial comments as proof that he should not go.

"Many of his statements support terrorism in effect. He has blamed terrorism on frustration and said it causes people to 'conflagrate,' a new word that he has apparently invented. That is the classic justification for radical terrorism. It is unacceptable to the overwhelming majority of American people and really civilized people around the world."

Bolton says "The idea that U.S. tax dollars are putting somebody who is prepared to defend terrorism on the road internationally, on behalf of the United States, is just inexplicable."

Bolton also thinks the cultural program should be reviewed.

"This is not a question of repressing religious freedom or anything like that," he says. "It's a question of making sure that a program that's intended to show America to the rest of the world, in fact is doing that instead of being used as a propaganda device by a highly radical, very tiny fraction of people in this country."

A request for an interview with the Imam about the trip was not answered, but his office has told Fox News that he is currently abroad.

ATC Says - ...........And is there any real mystery why radical Imams are on the Obongo payroll? How can helping radicals build mosques in nations that hate us benefit America? How is erecting a mosque on a graveyard of 3,000 slain Americans going to benefit America....... Anyone care to explain that one to me? Isn't all this really for the benefit of our enemies, the advancement of Islam and serve only to show them how weak we are as a people! The Presidents Mid-East apology tour, where he apologized for America and was supposed to make everyone like us again, has done nothing but embolden our enemies because we have shown them that we are weak and as a consequence they no longer fear us because they see a nation of weak sheep with a weak leader. Think not just look at what is happening in the middle east - it is on FIRE! Somali pirates and Mexican Drug Cartels are killing Americans, Mexican gangs are invading sovereign US territory WHY....they have nothing to fear, there is no fear of retaliation....they are no longer afraid of the consequences of their actions because they know that for the very first time in our history we are being governed by the most sheepish, inexperienced and naive leadership that is more concerned with not pissing off our enemies than it is in protecting its citizens or borders......EXPECT more dead Americans............Why? Common sense and self preservation has given way to Political Correctness and Ideological Liberalism .........and until that changes, we are all in DANGER!