Saturday, August 21, 2010

Obama Advisor Says Youth Should Leave America!

Like so many in Obama’s seedy Chicago world, the man quoted in this video is not well known but travels in the top circles of influence. Quintin E. Primo III is CEO of Capri Capital Partners, a Chicago-based firm with $2.7 billion in real estate holdings, some in Saudi Arabia.

Quintin E. Primo III
With a net worth of $300 million, Primo made Forbes magazine’s list of “The Wealthiest Black Americans,” many of whom are close, longtime advisers to Barack Obama. Business Week has reported that Primo, Obama alter ego Valerie Jarrett, and several others were bound together by “Ujamaa, a Swahili word for “extended family” that embodies “the value of sharing work and wealth through business relationships.” In English, that translates to cronyism. Jarrett has said Primo is reclusive, a “phantom.” But as this video shows, he opened up to the New York Times, advising young people to leave the country.

Q. What’s your best career advice to young graduates?

A. Three words: leave the country. Get out of here. That’s what I tell everybody — just go. I don’t care where you go, just go.

Q. Because?

A. Because the world is changing. It is no longer acceptable to speak only English if you are 25 and younger. It’s unacceptable. You have little chance of being successful if you speak only one language.

If you don’t understand Islam, you’re in trouble because Islam comprises somewhere between 1.6 billion and 1.8 billion people, and there are markets that are untapped that need to be tapped. (Emphasis added.)

He concluded by saying, “There is nothing more important…You have to leave the country.”

So, Obama’s close friend advises that the best way for young people to get ahead in Obama’s America is to leave the country, learn a foreign language, adopt a foreign culture, and study Islam. Is there a more perfect portrait of this administration?

So here we have the head of President Obongo's veritable 'kitchen cabinet', Quintin Primo III, who has done a much under-reported interview with the Jew York Times in which he says young Americans need to emigrate! EMIGRATE!!!

Here's the NYTimes interview with Mr. Primo:


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Obama, The Worst President In American History ( video )

Ben Quayle, the son of former vice president Dan Quayle, has said what most Americans are coming to believe. The younger Quayle made headlines with a new ad that he produced as part of his effort to win the Republican nomination for the House of Representatives in Arizona’s district 3. The ad begins with the 33-year-old saying, “Barack Obama is the worst president in history.” Quayle did not back down from his assessment on Fox News this morning, saying Obama “took over a country that was admittedly in bad shape and made it much worse…What he has produced for the future generations of our country is frightening. And he is really starting to destroy the American dream.”

It's funny.......for the past year or so now we have heard how Obama is indoctrinating our youth and appealing to the younger voting base with their Progressive liberal brainwashing is refreshing to see the youth coming out in defense of the Constitution from the other side who themselves are working to counter the Obama effect, his agenda and his bid to be dictator for life by FIAT!

Maybe there is a glimmer of hope!


Monday, August 9, 2010

Obama booed at 2010 National Boy Scout Jamboree

Now here's something the liberal media will not show you that we need to see more of everyday!

Ripples of dissent are clearly starting to show

Every president since Bill (Slick Willie) Clinton has made a speech at the national jamboree. Obama decided to skip this one at Fort AP Hill Virginia, for The View.......

So President Obama makes history, once again, as the first sitting president on a daytime talk show when he visits with the ladies of "The View." But he'll be missing out on another historic occasion -- the Boy Scouts' Jamboree marking the group's 100th anniversary, right in the president's backyard... No surprise there, we are talking about EGObama president of the world............ This is like right out of the book "1984". He didn't show up himself, so he sent a video taped speech which was played on a gigantic TV screen!