Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Obama administration: California’s whitest county MUST BE FORCIBLY INTEGRATED.

CNN admits that California’s “whitest county is one of the most desirable places to live in the world.” Then CNN goes on to declare that the county must be integrated and needs an influx of non-whites. The Obama administration has decreed that the county is in violation of the 1965 Civil Rights Act by not having more non-whites.


The absolute hatred and contempt for white people by the media and the Obama administration is on full view in this CNN segment.

The Council of Conservative Citizens told you that Obama’s Soviet style forced housing decree in Westchester County, NY was only the beginning. Westchester County is 35% non-white. Despite the high number of non-whites, Obama’s goons declared that county was violating the Civil Rights of non-whites by having Jewish and Italian enclaves. The county was ordered to build low income housing and recruit blacks and Latinos to break up these crime free, homogeneous enclaves. While most whites were against it, few were brave enough to speak out. Several CofCC members were among the few who publicly protest the draconian, Soviet style action by the Obama administration.

Now the Obama administration wants California’s whitest, and nicest county to build low income housing and recruit blacks and Latinos to move there! This is the exact same policy carried out by the Soviet Union after their conquest of Eastern Europe. Populations were forcibly moved to break up the ethnic homogeneity.

The following is the definition of Genocide as defined by United Nations General Assembly. Violation is an International Crime, punishable by the International Criminal Court.

…any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

– Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II

ATC Says - Well we all know that the mulatto in Chief is a racist, so it's really no surprise that the radicals liberals would take this position.......they decide in their twisted minds that your community is not doing enough to integrate and dumb itself down by adding inferior races to it, so what do they do....THEY FORCE YOU TO....whether you want multiculturalism or not. Marin (Moron) County's response........ fold to Political Correctness and to hell with the White Community! Time to fight white man!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obama A Traitor And War Criminal – Where’s Congress?

On the eighth anniversary of the day President George W. Bush ordered US troops into Iraq in 2003, with the full support of the US Congress and majority support from the UN Security Council, Barack Obama launched a Tomahawk missile assault on the sovereign nation of Libya with no majority support in the UN and without even consulting congress.


Acting alone while congress was away on recess, solely at the command of the United Nations and without constitutional authority, Barack Obama dropped over $70 million worth of Tomahawk missiles on the sovereign nation of Libya in a dictatorial maneuver to force regime change of a foreign land.

He launched a military assault on Libya under what authority? To be certain, Gadhafi is no prize, but what Obama just did is far worse. Acting all alone in a truly imperialistic fashion, Obama violated his Oath of Office, Article I and II of the US Constitution and The War Powers Act all in one mindless kneejerk decision.

Article II – Section II of the US Constitution identifies the US President as the civilian oversight of the US Military and Commander-in-Chief. But it gives the US President no authority to use military might to enforce its political will upon foreign nations.

Article I – Section VIII of the US Constitution rests the power to declare war solely with the US Congress. It requires both the Commander-in-Chief and Congress to commit US troops to combat, without which the act is wholly unconstitutional.

Even the Washington Times managed to get this one right in its editorial – Obama’s Illegal War.

The 1973 War Powers Act was put in place to prevent a US President from doing exactly what Barack Obama just did.

SEC. 2. (a) It is the purpose of this joint resolution to fulfill the intent of the framers of the Constitution of the United States and insure that the collective judgment of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, and to the continued use of such forces in hostilities or in such situations.

A US Commander-in-Chief can order use of military force in only three specific conditions…

(1) a declaration of war,

(2) specific statutory authorization, or

(3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.

The US Congress has not declared war against a foreign nation since WWII. But when George W. Bush sent troops into Afghanistan and Iraq following the September 11, 2001 attacks on US soil, he not only consulted congress in advance, he sought and received specific statutory authorization from congress before ordering troops into combat. Bush complied with the constitution and War Powers Act under conditions (2) and (3). He also had a broad coalition of UN partners backed by years of Iraqi broken UN resolutions.

In the case of Obama and Libya, none of these conditions exist.

1) Congress did not declare war.

2) Congress was not consulted and did not give specific statutory authorization.

3) The US was not attacked in any way by Libya which presented no threat to the US or US assets.

As a result, Barack Obama had NO constitutional authority to attack Libya with over $70 million worth of US taxpayer Tomahawks, placing American soldiers in harm’s way in yet another war which cannot even be justified by the pursuit of oil.

Obama touched down in Brazil as American soldiers launched a military assault on Libya at Obama’s command. Obama stands alone in this decision and order, without the support of the American people, without constitutional authority and in direct violation of his Oath of Office and the War Powers Act.

Obama is a war criminal and traitor as a result. He has acted alone, well beyond the scope and authority of his office and at odds with the national interests of the United States and the constitution which he took an oath to uphold and defend.

The Washington Times has it right. Even crook Democrat Charlie Rangel has it right - saying he was angry that Congress was not consulted before the military strikes.

He said he was undecided on whether the military action against Libya was justified but thought lawmakers and their constituents should have had time to weigh in. "Our presidents seem to believe that all we have to do is go to the U.N. and we go to war," Rangel said.

Rangel is right this time - a president must consult congress unless the US is under attack. Obama did not consult or even notify congress in advance. He acted alone on the command of the UN.

Although the UN clearly has command over Barack Obama, the UN has no command authority over the US Armed Forces. Obama used US soldiers illegally and unconstitutionally. These are the facts…

But where is congress?

Anti-war liberal and libertarian politicians like Ron Paul have attacked President Bush for years on Iraq and Afghanistan, even though Bush openly consulted, sought and received congressional authority for both military actions.

Here we have a clear cut violation and abuse of presidential powers and where are all the Code Pink, MoveOn.org, Ron Paul anti-war types?

Who in the US Congress, specifically the Republican controlled House, is going to launch a full scale investigation into Obama’s dictatorial use of military might and begin impeachment proceedings?

Americans are well aware of the fact that we have a lawless renegade regime running our federal government, which does not concern itself with the constitution or rule of law no matter the subject.

But now that anti-American renegade regime is illegally using military might to enforce its political will upon foreign sovereign nations, acting as though their oath is to the UN rather than the USA and as if they are free from any limitations or consequences.

Who in the US Congress is going to put a stop to the growing insanity? We have a runaway government acting against the interests of the United States and beyond its legal authority. Will anyone have the backbone to stop it and hold Obama accountable?

Will there be an international war crimes trial of Barack Obama?

ATC Says - This Sitting President (Farce) has on more than one occasion demonstrated how little the Constitution means to him.....in order for one to recognize the real Obama, it must be considered how the Constitution for him is an obstacle rather than a guiding Document. Once you peel back his congeniality and so-called charisma what you are left with is a leftist partisan who will readily resort to deception to advance his agenda of liberal judicial activism.

In 2007, Vice President Joe Biden made the following statement regarding how that war without congressional approval warrants impeachment."

“I want to make it clear. And I made it clear to the President that if he takes this nation to war with Iran without Congressional approval. I will make it my business to impeach him. That’s a fact. That is a fact.”

Sen. Joe Biden threatens to initiate impeachment if President Bush acts militarily against Iran without congressional authorization. Speech at the Scott County Democratic Party banquet, Davenport, Iowa on December 14, 2007.

ATC Says: Gosh think he still feels this way? I wonder how long it will be before we hear good ole Joe calling for the impeachment of his current boss? Don't fool yourself folks, apparently war mongering and acting without Congressional approval is OK so long as you are a Socialist Liberal Democrat! At least that's how the slobbering Obama-ites see it. That’s why they remained silent when he extended our perpetual "war on terrorism" into Pakistan, why they kept mum as the PATRIOT Act was reauthorized at the behest of the administration, and why they pulled the sheets over their heads and stuck their fingers in their ears and hummed really loud as George Bush’s torture regime continued, unabated and even expanded, under Obama. It’s why they ignored our failure to withdraw from Iraq, as promised by then candidate Obama, why they continue to smile politely and change the subject whenever anyone has the poor taste to mention any of these unpleasant subjects and the very reason why they will ignore this illegal war against Libya - well that is until a person who sincerely believes in the prosperity of America and governs according to the will of The People retakes the Whitehouse and saves America from the Obama years!


Monday, March 21, 2011

Obama Starts Another Illegal War, Rangel Calls For Draft

What balls! What hubris! What hypocrisy! What happened to America?

Eric Blair
Activist Post

Once again, America has preemptively attacked a sovereign nation that posed no threat to her without a declaration of war from the people's representatives. Apparently the U.S. president now gets permission from the U.N. to spend U.S. taxpayer dollars on unprovoked wars and outright murder. Isn't it still called murder when killing is not done in self-defense? Okay, just checking to make sure I haven't lost my mind.

Nobel Peace prince Obama launched his liberation of the good people of Libya with his own shock-and-awe bombing campaign appropriately on the eighth anniversary of Bush's illegal invasion of Iraq. This tyrannical intervention is so naked, so brazen in its hubris that whatever shred of goodwill America had left is completely gone. America is officially the most murderous, anti-democratic, terrorist nation the world has ever known.

And get this, on the very same day of this unconstitutional act of war, ethically-challenged Charlie Rangel reintroduced his National Service "Draft" bill. Rangel pointed out in his announcement that the government lied us into the Iraq war that ultimately resulted in the deaths of over 4,400 servicemen with over 32,000 injured. He claims this is the reason we need a draft:
Based on false pretenses of weapons of mass destruction and involvement in the 9/11 attacks, the unfunded war in Iraq has cost our nation not only $800 billion dollars, but the lives of more than 4,400 brave American patriots. Over 32,000 U.S. soldiers have also been seriously wounded in the war we should not have been in the first place.
It is because of these devastating statistics and the commitment our nation must make to sharing in duty and service that I reintroduced the Universal National Service Act, commonly known as the draft bill.
You can't make this stuff up. So, our government lies us into wars for profit and oil, thrusts our brave young men and women in harms way against poor nations who in their wildest dreams couldn't threaten America, and puts off paying for them as long as the banks and China get their interest payments at gunpoint from the taxpayer. And now you want to force all of our kids to take part in this sociopathic behavior?

Rangel continues:
Currently the burden of defending our nation is carried by an increasingly smaller segment of our population. Only 1 percent of the American population currently makes the sacrifice of laying down life and limb for our country.
Far too many are being forced into repeated tours of duty, sometimes as many as six deployments. This repeated combat exposure to our troops is why 25 percent of America's active duty military personnel suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is why the Army's current suicide rate is far above the civilian rate at 22-per-100,000. The rate for the Marine Corps is even higher.
Boy, Rangel is a first-rate salesman. Who could resist the idea of forcing their children into repeated tours of duty and a 1-in-4 chance of getting ruined by PTSD? Or, making them so miserable that they think suicide is better than killing poor brown people for Big Oil profits and their pocket-change politicians -- all while bankrupting the country and their home towns in the process?

Rangel's pitch that a draft would alleviate these problems is ill-conceived, as he even pointed out: "Having a draft does not necessarily mean that everyone called to duty would be required to serve in the Armed forces." Who in their right mind would choose the Armed forces in this corrupt imperial climate if given a choice of community services?

Of course, liberals like to think Rangel's hidden argument is that a draft would actually discourage war by making the people pay more attention to the wars enough to protest. Wake up! We can't even get Congress to vote for these wars anymore! The notion that the decision makers will actually give a shit about the people's will is laughable. Besides, we all know how they handle peaceful protesters these days, despite their lofty rhetoric of fighting for people's rights in foreign countries.

At this point, it seems the only thing that can stop these conquistadors is when soldiers start refusing to fight en masse. They, and they alone, have the power to end this insanity. As Albert Einstein said "Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war." God help them find the courage and moral compass to end this tyranny.

ATC Says - I agree the only way to stop the madness and wars we are lied into is to not comply en masse! These leaders of ours have clearly represented on many occassions that they clearly do not have our (We The People's) best interests at heart but solely their own greedy self interests and anti-constitutional agendas they seek to advance off the blood and sacrifice of our young. Where is the liberal outrage directed at this Muslim President Obongo for leading us into another war under false pretenses. Where are the anti-war protesters in the streets that demonized Bush for the very same thing shouting their slogans of war-monger and carrying effigies of him as hitler? Where are they? Fucking hypocrites is all they are!

When else but now in today's Politically Correct run amok society can we have a sitting nobel peace prize winning president (what a joke) who had done absolutely nothing at the time of being awarded it - and nothing since but agitate underlying racial and religious tensions and stoke the fires of war. The very reason this Obamination is allowed to continue is solely based upon the fact he is backed by the financial support of elitists and other unscrupulous entities and organizations and as he maintains his hold over the mainstream media (that he bailed out) which continually spins and regurgitates the liberal propaganda thus keeping the anger lemming masses diverted and misdirected towards the phantoms and false enemies this administration sees fit to create!