Sunday, November 28, 2010

Endgame Legislation: Lame Duck Session Ushers in Tyranny

When most of us think about "lame duck" Congressional sessions we think of a "do-nothing" government. However, this so-called lame duck session appears to be a time where legislation that has the most restrictions to individual rights is being rammed through.

It seems the members of government who have been recently voted out of office are vying for corporate jobs by pushing such legislation as the Food Safety Modernization Act and the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act which are now on the fast track to becoming law. Both of these laws reek of tyranny for the citizens and a means of corporate consolidation for the big boys.

It seems whenever a piece of legislation has the word "safety" in it we can expect to lose our right to make our own decisions. For example, consumer protection groups pushed hard for the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act in 2008 after large numbers of Chinese-made toys and other products proved to have dangerously unhealthy toxins.

Consequently, the bill was passed with 407 Ayes, 0 Nays in the House. Only later did the public find out that the bill did more to regulate, tax, and impose fines on neighborhood garage sales than it did to stop dangerous Chinese imports. Clearly, the bill is used to clamp down on an individual's right to sell their used items without governmental oversight. In other words, the corporate-government will not allow any form of black market to threaten their cartel control of consumerism.

The Food Safety Modernization Act has the backing of establishment liberals who think more big government regulation will protect us from food-borne diseases derived from factory farming. Their heart seems to be in the right place, but placing trust in this horribly corrupt government to "protect" us makes them utterly gullible. The vote of 74-25 in the Senate proves the bill was more broadly supported than just with progressives, indicating strong corporate support from the Big-Agri lobby that wrote the bill. According to Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party, the bill purports to:

  • Preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes.
  • It will more than likely make Michael Taylor (former Monsanto executive) the Food Czar.
  • End U.S. sovereignty over its own food supply by forcing compliance with WTO guidelines.
  • Even direct sales of food between individuals could be defined as smuggling under the language of the bill.
  • Codex Alimentarius, a global system of control over food and food supplements, would control all U.S. food and supplements. Access to natural food supplements would be removed under Codex rules.
  • Control of all seeds would transfer to Monsanto and other global multinationals.
  • The National Animal Identification System ( NAIS ) would be enacted, forcing bio-chipping and other identification and tracking methods for all animals, whether food or pets.
  • What is left of the American food system would be transferred into total control of Multinational Corporations under the guise of global governance.
Despite the draconian intentions of the bill, many respected alternative agriculture experts like Michael Pollan and Grist have given their lukewarm blessing to the bill as "as step in the right direction." Controversial bills typically have enough seemingly logical solutions that become the focus of selling new regulations. This bill is no different, as it gives the appearance of cracking down on large factory farms, exempting small family farms, creating better tracing methods for the origin of food-borne diseases, and certainly injects more financial resources into government agencies tasked with regulating food. All of these were sold to the public amidst the fear of massive egg and meat recalls because of E. coli and Salmonella contamination.

We should know by now that nearly all legislation is not written or read by our elected officials, but rather by heavy-handed corporate interests who seek nothing less than total domination over their industries. Yet, the public is still easily swayed.

The second piece of legislation that was flushed out of the Judiciary Committee last week with a 19-0 vote is the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA). This bill is pure tyranny against Internet freedom. In other words, they're not even using the guise of protecting the people to hammer this one home. This bill seeks to arbitrarily create an Internet "Blacklist" of domains, much like the arbitrary "Terror Watch List." The government is seeking the power to shut access to sites it flags . . . no judge, no evidence, no jury. The law will also apply to websites hosted outside the U.S. where the corporate-government will claim global control over information on the Internet. The government plans to enforce the blocking of these Blacklisted websites by using major Internet service providers (ISPs).

To demonstrate how draconian this bill is, Copyright Laws are already very clear where if a media corporation can demonstrate that a given website used their material against Fair Use rights, they can be sued individually for damages. This new law will bypass the current legal system of innocent until proven guilty with no warnings, presentation of evidence of wrong-doing, or determination of fault by a jury of peers. Although the legislation is said to be focused on sharing movies, music, and television shows; the copyright violations are defined very broadly and will surely extend to any usage of Associated Press or Reuters stories (or the like) and/or images.

This broad definition will essentially put all alternative news websites in violation despite their Fair Use rights. In fact, nearly every article or commentary about world events that is covered by independent news organizations that quote or link to mainstream media stories as a reference may be in violation (including this article you're reading). The COICA will effectively crush any opposition to the mainstream media's domination on the currently free and open world wide web. If properly debated and dissected there is no way this bill would be passed, hence the rushing to pass it under a quiet Congressional session.

Both of these bills will likely become laws given their overwhelming support in Congress. When enacted, the corporate-government tyranny will begin to work stealthily to regulate their competition out of the marketplace. By the time the vast majority of people realize this tyranny, it will be too late to complain as the independent voices will assuredly be Blacklisted from any debate.

This doesn't surprise anybody now does it? Based on the blatant disregard this Administration has demonstrated to the people which it has clearly shown by ramming through socialized and yes (Rationed) Health Care despite overwhelming opposition by the very citizenry they purport to represent........this will be the very last opportunity, (I HOPE), that this radical president will have to push through anything on his agenda without any real opposition while his party still holds control of the CON-gress (note the emphasis on CON!) By January we shall soon see if the Republicans own up to their promises to the American people by turning back some of the Damage the Democrats have wrought upon this nation, if not then this will be my final exhibit in how the notion of a two party system is a fantasy, how the country is run by one party. A party whose puppet strings are pulled by wealthy elitists (a majority of whom that just so-happen to be JEWS!


Obama’s Power-Mad Cell Phone Czar

America is in debt past its eyeballs. Unemployment remains stuck near double digits. Small and large businesses, unions and insurers are clamoring for Obamacare waivers in droves. Jihadists are making a mockery of homeland security. And border chaos reigns. So, what’s one of the Obama administration’s top domestic policy agenda items this month? Combating distracted drivers. (Yet another assault upon free hardworking American citizens and not the enemy that presses at our gates!)

What? You missed the Million Anti-Distracted Drivers Protest March on Washington and the Great Grassroots Groundswell for federal intervention on our highways and byways? Don’t worry. You weren’t the only one.
Making the cable TV rounds to unveil a public service announcement campaign against “epidemic” cell phone use and texting on the road, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood revealed bizarre and alarming plans on Wednesday to install devices in cars that would block a driver’s ability to communicate.

“There’s a lot of technology out there now that can disable phones, and we’re looking at that,” he threatened. LaHood — a liberal Republican and pork-addicted Chicago crony who embodies Obama “bipartisanship” — envisions centralized government mechanisms to shut off commuters’ BlackBerries and iPhones.

And that’s just the start. “We need to do a lot more if we’re going to save lives,” LaHood vowed, while paying obligatory lip service to encouraging “personal responsibility.” Will the cell phone banners ban radios, GPS devices, makeup and fast food in cars next? All are also listed as causes of distracted driver-induced accidents.

Any death due to such reckless behavior is tragic. But by “saving lives,” what cell phone czar LaHood really means is “controlling lives.” There are already 30 states with laws in place regulating drivers’ cell phone and/or texting habits. The District of Columbia and Guam also passed bans. The safety benefits of such laws are in dispute.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety examined insurance claims and driving habits in Louisiana, Washington, Minnesota and California, which all passed texting bans two years ago.

Its study found that when compared to neighboring states that had not yet banned texting while driving (Arkansas, Texas and Mississippi), the no-texting states actually reported higher accident rates among young drivers — while the states with no bans maintained constant accident rates. Safety officials theorized that drivers in no-texting states may have adjusted their habits to hide their cell phone use from visual detection by police — incentivizing even riskier behavior.

LaHood and his fellow social meddlers have lashed out at the study and any other evidence that state enforcement of these bans is futile. But there’s a long history of government safety regulations backfiring on central planners. Back in the 1970s, the federal drive to require child safety-caps on aspirin bottles resulted in no reduction in child poisoning deaths. In fact, renowned risk analyst Kip Viscusi at Harvard Law School found that the regulations induced many parents to leave the caps off altogether because they were inconvenient and difficult to remove.

Moreover, the push for federal policing of our driving habits comes just as the federal government itself reports that the rate of teenage-related car accidents has fallen. Yes, fallen. Despite increased cell phone use, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that when the years 2004 through 2008 were compared, there was a 38 percent reduction in the number of car accidents involving 16 and 17 year olds.

So what’s really driving LaHood? He’s pursued an anti-car ideological zeal from Day One — from entertaining proposals to impose mileage taxes on drivers and to track drivers’ routes, to redistributing tax dollars to pie-in-the-sky high-rail projects that no private business will touch, to peddling a “livability initiative” that would discourage suburban growth and corral residents in high-density areas dependent on public transportation.

Like the rest of Obama’s radicals, the Transportation Department’s self-appointed cell phone czar is a power-hungry busybody hiding behind children to expand government’s reach. If only federal agencies came equipped with anti-big government ignition breathalyzer locks.

I keep hearing folks talk about how this Administration is inept and out-of touch with the American people.......quite to the contrary, I think the opposite is a more correct statement. This Administration knows exactly what it is doing, and is following a carefully devised plan to - not only transform this nation in to a tird word impoverished nation, but as in any other dictatorship, to limit the rights and freedoms of its citizenry - to divest us of our sense of self-sufficiency and independence so as to make us more dependent on the government rather than ourselves for our needs........The Government has grown to the biggest size it has ever been in our history and slowly and gradually we are being conditioned and prepared for a Police State. Bush was heavily criticized and accused by radical liberals and DemonRats (Democrats) of doing this during his 8 year administration, now two years into the Obongo Administration with much more of the same - just only alot worse - they seem to have nothing to say even though this President's Policies are far more invasive than that of his predecessor George Bush.

The notion that Government knows whats best for us and the only way that it can protect us is by growing itself and being ever more invasive into our personal lives is a lie. Until the people fully realize this and stand up against this to resist the continuing erosion of our freedoms and demand a real change in the way things are done by summoning the same courage as our fore-fathers did and fight against what is happening, we will awaken one morning very soon to find ourselves living under the whim and rule of another despotic king dispensing his will without opposition to his subjects....