Could this be a CIA “Designed-to-Fail” attack?
by James Buchanan
The neocons just don’t stop pushing their propaganda, not even on Christmas. Then again, Christmas isn’t exactly a big holiday for the Jews. An incident that was originally described as firecrackers on is now being portrayed as a serious terrorist incident.
A Fox News article reports “White House: Failed Airline Bombing Was Attempted Act of Terrorism…. A male passenger reportedly linked to terrorist organization al-Qaeda ignited a powdery substance prior to landing on a Delta Airlines flight to Detroit Friday. The suspect is believed to be Nigerian…”
This sounds like another CIA-MOSSAD false flag operation, in which a disgruntled Third World Muslim is recruited to carry out an attack, which had no chance of succeeding. The Richard Reid shoe-bomber incident would be another example of this. He attempted to set off explosives built into his shoes several weeks after the 911 attack. The shoes failed to explode, but al Qaeda went back on the front page.
There is virtually no way that a loose powder explosive set off in the cabin of an airplane could penetrate the floor and explode the fuel tank which is the scenario being spun by Homeland security. Loose gun powder -for example- will burn in small quantities, but it won’t explode unless a container is packed with it. Even if it did explode, it would have the effect of a large firecracker. It would take a large container of gun power to cause a sufficiently large explosion to bring down a plane. The powder that was used has still not been revealed (and may never be revealed to prevent copycat attacks).
The original 911 attack has been described as a false flag operation by ex-Italian president Francesco Cossiga so we shouldn’t be surprised if lesser false flag attacks or designed-to-fail attacks take place too. An article on Francesco Cossiga reports “Former Italian President and the man who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio Francesco Cossiga has gone public on 9/11, telling Italy’s most respected newspaper that the attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies. Cossiga was elected President of the Italian Senate in July 1983 before winning a landslide 1985 election to become President of the country in 1985. Cossiga gained respect from opposition parties as one of a rare breed – an honest politician – and led the country for seven years until April 1992….”
Christmas didn't stop the corrupt Democrats in the Senate from voting through their Healthcare Bill Either. They tend to do alot of things the public overwhealmingly opposses in this manor or in the middle of the night. Another FALSE FLAG ATTACK, wouldn't suprise me in the least, I wouldn't put anything past this gangster administration!

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