Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dot-Head Minister Wants Obama to Be “Leader of All Muslims”

Islamabad, Sep 2 (PTI) A Pakistani minister wants US President Barack Obama to offer Eid prayers at Ground Zero in New York and become the "Amir-ul-Momineen" or Caliph of Muslims.


Minister of State for Industries Ayatullah Durrani, who belongs to the ruling Pakistan People''s Party, said the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr festival, expected to be observed on September 11, would be a "golden opportunity" for Obama to offer Eid prayers and declare himself the leader of all Muslims.

"In this way, all the problems of the Muslim world would be solved," Durrani told The Nation newspaper.

Durrani, a former member of the Pakistan Ideological Council, contended that the Muslim world is in "dire need" of a Caliph and occupying this distinguished slot would provide Obama "exemplary titles" like "Mullah Barack Hussain Obama" or "Allama Obama".

He said: "The time is approaching fast. Barack Hussain Obama must act now. This is a golden opportunity, Muslims badly need it."

Obama''s elevation to the Islamic Caliphate would be the "key to success, he claimed but did not offer any explanation for his remarks. (Well, it's pretty obvious what he means---it would be a clear success for Muslims in their conquest to dominate the other world's religions alot easier! ............DUH!)

I think that the Eid is the end of Ramadan? And this year it ends on September 9th, just 2 days before 9/11? Whoa! Could there indeed be some big thing in NYC that take place on that date? The mosque folks (Muslims will want to mass for prayer, and their wayward liberal-retard politically correct supporters will want to make a scene with demonstrations and whatnot. Gee wouldn't it be peechy-keen if those nasty muslim terrorists really hate the so called moderate muslims and take the opportunity to stage another 9/11 event? Come to think of it they probably won't seeing how I am sure the Jihadists are really enjoying watching all the division this mosgue is causing....I mean look, now some dot-head wants obama to be LEAD SAND-NIGGER of the world!
The upside to all of this would be a sudden awakening of the sheeple as this act would litterally shred the constitutions notion of "Separation of Church and State" - especially when he shows overwhealming favoritism to one specific Religion over the others and favor it people over the rest and if that doesn't get them-----well shariah law will, but by then - sadly for them it will be too late!


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