President Obama, with the help of the corporate controlled media, has warned/threatened a Jared Loughner or Oslo Norway style attack on the 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to be carried out by a so-called lone wolf terrorist.(Translation: White European Male)
Wolf Blitzer: “I’ve covered the middle east for a long time, covered terrorism for a long time and i have to tell you I’m worried that on the tenth anniversary that al Qaeda or whats left of al Qaeda will try to do something to seek revenge for your killing of Bin Laden.”
President Obongo: “The biggest concern we have right now is not the launching of a major terror operation although that risk is always there, the risk we are especially worried about right now is the lone wolf terrorist
Somebody with a single weapon being able to carry out wide scale massacres of the sort we saw in Norway.”
Considering the fact that it is documented history that lone wolf terrorists are usually mentally unstable patsies for some larger operation, this warning from Obama should send up red flags throughout the country.
As the corporate media feeds the terrorism fear without so much as questioning the official line, the people of America are slowly losing their most fundamental rights all in the name of security.
Our intelligence agencies monitor the public like never before and the idea that they are unable to catch terrorists planning attacks is complete hogwash yet we are fed this nonsense on a daily basis.
On the tenth anniversary of 9/11 we should all be on the look out for some sort of terrorist attack and if it does happen we must remember that the real culprits will be the global crime syndicate that openly runs our country not Muslims in a cave or a lone right wing extremist.
ATC Says - Get ready for another False-Flag attack folks! No Doubt Obongo is setting us all up for some event that he will use as an excuse to round up all would be tea-baggers and political dissenters and get those gosh darned awful weapons from us!
ATC Says - Careful you don't piss the wrong person off, a phonecall from them gets you a late-night tussle and toss by the Stazi.....what's next Naked Body Scanners and invasive patdowns?....oh wait we already have that!
Amnesty by executive order carte blanche!
Washington (CNN) -- In a move that could shake up the U.S. immigration system, the Department of Homeland Security is going to begin reviewing all 300,000 pending deportation cases in federal immigration courts to determine which individuals meet specific criteria for removal and to focus on "our highest priorities."
Department of Homeland In-Security Janet Napolitano said the case-by-case review will enhance public safety.
DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano said the review will enhance public safety. "Immigration judges will be able to more swiftly adjudicate high priority cases, such as those involving convicted felons," Napolitano wrote Thursday in a letter to assistant majority leader Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, and 21 other senators including Indiana Republican Richard Lugar.
In April, Durbin and Lugar sent a letter to Napolitano asking her to stop deportations of immigrant students who could earn legal status under the the DREAM Act -- legislation that would give children of illegal immigrants a path to citizenship through military service or college education.
Napolitano said the Obama administration has frequently pointed out "it makes no sense to expend our enforcement resources on low-priority cases, such as individuals... who were brought into this country as young children and know no other home."
Officials say immigration court dockets are clogged, putting public safety in jeopardy, costing money, resources and time. They want to see DHS enforcement resources diverted from illegal immigrants who don't have criminal records to individuals who pose a threat to public safety and national security.
A senior administration official, who requested anonymity because details of the policy change had not yet been announced, told reporters 79% of deportations involve people without a criminal record -- people who have just entered the country illegally or had been previously deported and re-entered.
Napolitano said the new policy change would not negate reforming immigration laws and "will not alleviate the need for passage of the DREAM Act," which would give legal status to illegal immigrant students who attend college or join the military. She added, "President Obama has called the DREAM Act the right thing to do for the young people it would affect, and the right thing to do for the country."
But the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), which advocates changing policies to decrease the number of immigrants coming to the United States, said in a statement on its website that the action by the Obama administration "amounts to an administrative amnesty and a sweeping overhaul of the nation's immigration policy without approval by Congress."
FAIR President Dan Stein said in the statement, "In essence, the administration has declared that U.S. immigration is now virtually unlimited to anyone willing to try to enter and only those who commit violent felonies after arrival are subject to enforcement."
Under the new process, a DHS and the Department of Justice working group will develop specific criteria to identify low-priority removal cases that should be considered for prosecutorial discretion, including cases with minors, the elderly, pregnant and nursing women, victims of serious crimes, veterans and members of the armed services and individuals with serious disabilities or health problems.
Durbin expressed support for the Obama administration announcement, saying in a written statement that it was "the right decision" specifically as it relates to students.
"These students are the future doctors, lawyers, teachers and maybe, senators, who will make America stronger," Durbin stated. "We need to be doing all we can to keep these talented, dedicated, American students here, not wasting increasingly precious resources sending them away to countries they barely remember."
Durbin's statement added that when reviews of individual cases result in cases being closed, those individuals "will be able to apply for certain immigration benefits, including work authorization."
Durbin's statement did not elaborate on that aspect of the policy change, beyond saying such applications for benefits would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
The National Day Laborer Organizing Network, an organization advocating improved rights for day laborers, praised the move. "The administration had earned the President the title of 'Deporter-in-Chief.' We hope the statement today announcing review of the current caseload of victims of indiscriminate enforcement is carried forth," the group said in a news release.
ATC Says - The American Public overwhelmingly opposes Amnesty for Illegals according to Polls that show nearly 70% of Americans oppose amnesty for all illegal aliens. It is more than obvious that the CON-gress and the President have lost favor with the American people because of their failed economic and foreign is also obvious that in order for the Democrats to hold onto power in 2012 and continue to implement their destructive policies they will need to pander to the illegal alien and latino vote......and the American People, the Constitution and Congress be damned!
Racism: Across the U.S., mobs of black youths are organizing on Facebook to loot stores and beat whites. Yet none dare call the "flash mob" attacks hate crime, least of all the attorney general.
The Associated Press is reporting that at least one of those arrested in the Wisconsin State Fair beatings said the mob was targeting whites, making it a hate crime. Where is Eric Holder's civil rights division? About this epidemic of black-on-white assaults, we hear nothing.
At the Milwaukee fairgrounds, dozens of black teens suddenly appeared, knocking over children, looting the Midway games and stealing prizes. They pulled whites from cars, flung them to the ground and punched and kicked them in the face. At least 18 people were injured, including some cops.
A similar beat-down took place August 2010 at the Iowa State Fair. Organized as "beat whitey night," bands of black teens targeted white kids, fracturing one of their skulls. Then the thugs swarmed police, hitting one cop from behind and busting both his eye sockets.
Earlier this month in Philadelphia, marauding black flash mobs beat and robbed tourists and other innocent bystanders. Several people were hospitalized, including one man with a fractured skull.
Mayor Michael Nutter, Philly's second black mayor, said enough is enough. In an angry lecture from the pulpit of Mount Carmel Baptist Church, he blasted the punks, saying "you have damaged your own race."
Similar attacks are under investigation in Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland and Washington, D.C., where our first black president remains mum.
Why isn't Obama equally disgusted by the black pack attacks? Perhaps because his own church glamorized the thug culture. His mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, told his South Side Chicago flock that those committing black-on-black crime are "fighting the wrong enemy." During the 2008 presidential campaign, Geraldine Ferraro condemned Wright for preaching to young blacks that "it's OK to beat up on white people."
Imagine if the flash-mob victims were black instead of white. Holder would have launched a special investigation. With the races reversed, he just shrugs. In so many words he has said blacks are incapable of hate crimes because of their victimhood.
"There is a pervasive hostility toward (prosecuting) these types of cases," said Christian Adams, a civil rights attorney who quit after Holder refused to prosecute the New Black Panther Party for intimidating white Philly voters in 2008.
To Holder, blacks are the permanent victims. But his department's own data say otherwise. In most cases of interracial crimes, the victim is white and the perp is black. Black criminals choose white victims 45% of the time, while whites victimize blacks 3% of the time. More than twice as many whites are murdered by a black than cases of a white murdering blacks.
And despite underreporting, blacks commit a disproportionate share of hate crimes. In 2009, almost 20% of known offenders of hate crimes were black, even though blacks make up just 13% of the population.
Holder presupposes all problems afflicting the black community come from the outside — racism, poverty, etc. Nutter make no excuses for bad behavior.
"Take those God-darn hoodies down, especially in the summer," the Philly mayor scolded black youths. "Pull your pants up and buy a belt 'cause no one wants to see your underwear or the crack of your butt."
He added: "If you walk into somebody's office with your hair uncombed and a pick in the back, and your shoes untied, and your pants half-down, tattoos up and down your arms and on your neck, and you wonder why somebody won't hire you? They don't hire you 'cause you look like you're crazy."
Candidate Obama vowed to stand up for a civil rights unit that enforces laws "fairly and justly." If his attorney general doesn't pursue these black mob cases as hate crimes, punishing the offenders, he risks giving white racists an excuse to respond in kind.
ATC Says - The Reason why Obama and Eric Holder are not upset by all these flash-mob beatings is is all by design....THEIR DESIGN! They want this to happen, hell they couldn't be happier! If they were as concerned for the welfare of Whites as they were for the other races then we would see decisive action on the part of the Administration to protect its citizenry....not just one segment of the population.......But do they do this....HELL NO.....They want the niggers beating on Whitey because Whitey is not protected under ZOGs system of laws, not even under the Civil Rights that is exclusive only to blackie and all the other so-called "disenfranchised minorities" that seek to destroy, loot and plunder everything we have created!The very thing this Administration seeks to do is to purposely incite White Patriots to drive them into the open and to do something stupid which will only serve to benefit this President politically such as granting him justification to strip civil rights, declare martial law and round up dissidents as well as proving that all opposition to him is racial in nature and not because of his extremist leftist positions! By creating an atmosphere of I believe the Government hopes it can do, it would be able to advance and continue to implement, what ever the hell it wants to amidst the growing distraction of civil unrest and heightened fear of the sheeple
By now, I assume everyone who isn’t comatose has heard about the Standard & Poors downgrading of the USA’s economic stability from AAA to AA+. Despite the White House feverishly working to spin the news for we-the-proletariat — and hinting that “it really means nothing” — I suspect there is much celebrating going on behind the scenes. Since ratings were established, this is the first time in History that the United States of America has been downgraded. This is unprecedented in our history. Therefore, Obama is partying hardier than ever. After his Chicago $35,000 per plate birthday bash extravaganza — largely on the US taxpayer — his latest fundraiser planned for next Thursday in New York is designed to bring in $71,600 per plate. And all of this is transpiring while he is on a bus tour — we believe illegally on the US taxpayer — campaign for 2012. Note: As our leftist courts and supplicant US Congress support his every move, no one does anything about Obama’s increasingly criminal behaviors.
The reality is that in order to establish a Marxist-Leninist or Marxist-Mao Utopian parasitic government to destroy the middle-class (who will then in their newly-imposed slavery support the elites) the host country must be utterly destroyed. Said country can then be rebuilt (i.e. “transformed”) into the image of “The One” or The Ones.” In this, I suspect Obama has far exceeded his own training and his Master’s timeframe with what he has wrought upon our country… and the world. Truly, he is the first leader (make that “non-leader”) of his type.
Obama is a destroyer par excellence and may, in the end and assuming we do not rid ourselves of him, end up surpassing even Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin or Mao Zedong. We know he is already brimming with pride over his accomplishments, as we see it in his growing smile — one that is beginning to oddly resemble a Narcissistic and condescending sneer as his eyes become even more sinister.
Obama has destroyed our health care system. Obama is in the process of removing our Bill of Rights. Obama has stolen trillions of our dollars and sent them overseas… some to locations and entities that still remain secret. He has taken over our water and food distribution (shades of Stalin and every other despotic ruler here!). Obama is increasingly talking publicly about “the problems of democracies.” Obama’s Operation Gunwalker/Gunrunner — ”Fast and Furious” was specifically designed to remove legally-obtained guns from US citizens by blaming the planned murderous outcome of the program on gun shop owners and the US citizenry at large. The Obama-Holder syndicate bosses were caught in their criminal scheme… but, they’re still continuing their plan to dissolve the Second Amendment (and therefore all) .
It has, also, now been revealed that the Obama syndicate and the Sinaloa Drug Cartel has a “business relationship.” In return for “favors,” the Obama syndicate (aka the “US Obama Government”) allowed the drug cartel to bring tons of cocaine into the USA with encouragement and without consequences.Note: Remember Obama has said his favorite movie is “The Godfather” and our Southern border still remains wide open. Still wonder why?
Now, Obama and the Marxist Democrats (remember that the Democrats took over both Houses of Congress in January 2007) have destroyed the economy… yet, they are still demanding we give them more! Nothing ever satisfies the corrupt and perverse. For the tyrannical ruler, there is never enough. There may not be enough for those who continue to demand they be allowed to suckle even when all the milk has been consumed. But, have you finally and decisively had enough from the Obama syndicate and those who support and collaborate with it? Have you? Isn’t it time that we now begin to demand ever-more-loudly resignations — or prison time — from the parasites who continue to feed off of us? Isn’t it?
“Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless.” – Isaiah 10:1-2
“If money is wanted by Rulers who have in any manner oppressed the People, they may retain it until their grievances are redressed, and thus peaceably procure relief, without trusting to despised petitions or disturbing the public tranquility.” – Journals of the Continental Congress, 1:105-113
“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” – Winston Churchill
Obama just received a critical endorsement, The Communist Party USA. The Communist Party USA leader, Sam Webb, explains why he will continue to support Obama and Democrats in 2012. The Communist Party USA has consistently supported andinfiltrated the Democratic Party.
It is obvious that there is a growing feeling of frustration and even anger among supporters of the Democratic Party with its performance over the past two years.
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, speaking for the labor movement, strongly expressed this unhappiness in some recent speeches.
I am disappointed too with some aspects of the Obama administration’s domestic and foreign policy.
But I don’t forget that this administration governs in a very hostile political environment in which the right is laboring overtime to wreck its initiatives at every step of the way.
In addition, there are the structural pressures of governing in a capitalist economy and state.
Then there are conservative pressures coming from some congressional Democrats and members of the administration.
Everything can’t be explained away by the objective context, however. The president and his administration can be faulted for a number of policy decisions.
But the main question from a strategic point of view is this: Does it make any difference, from the standpoint of the class and democratic struggles, which party gains political ascendency?
Some – though not the labor movement nor other mass organizations of the American people – say no, it doesn’t.
Some even go a step further and say a Democratic victory creates popular illusions, which in turn weaken the people’s struggles. And the only way out of this vise is to form a third party now.
Communists don’t agree with either one of these views. In our view, the differences between the two parties of capitalism are of consequence to class and democratic struggles.
Neither party is anti-capitalist, but they aren’t identical either. Differences exist at the levels of policy and social composition. And despite the many frustrations of the past two years, the election of Barack Obama was historic and gave space to struggle for a people’s agenda.
If, on the other hand, the Republicans had been victorious in 2008 the character of class and democratic struggles would have unfolded very differently. Our movement would have been on the defensive from Day One, the Democrats would be running for cover, and the Republicans would have an unfettered hand in their efforts to liquidate the welfare state, roll back the rights revolution of the 1930s and 1960s, and crush the people’s movement – labor in the first place.
As for the wisdom of a third party, we have always advocated the formation of an independent people’s party at the core of which are the working class and labor, racially and nationally oppressed people, women, youth, immigrants, seniors, gay and straight, etc. It is essential for any deep-going social change. But its realization depends on more than our desire, more than our political-ideological attitude. Millions who have to be at the core of this party still operate under the umbrella of the Democratic Party, albeit increasingly in an independent fashion.
Moreover, to separate ourselves at this moment from these forces would be contrary to our strategic policy of building maximum unity against right-wing extremism now and in next year’s elections.
Now that doesn’t mean that we give up our advocacy of an independent people’s party, but we also understand that its formation is dictated by concrete political realities and strategic necessities. Nor does it mean that we hit the mute button when the Obama administration takes positions that we don’t agree with. Just as we show no hesitation in supporting, and fighting for, the administration’s progressive initiatives, we should have no compunction about taking issue with the administration when it takes positions that we don’t agree on.
Which is what we have done.
When someone says we are not critical of the administration what they usually mean is that our criticism isn’t as sweeping and categorical as they would like.
We make criticisms, but we do it in a certain context and with a certain strategic objective in mind. We are keenly aware of the fact that the agenda of the far right is to bring this administration and country to its knees, with a heavy dose of racism, lies and economic sabotage, setting the stage for a full blown return to power of the most reactionary, racist, anti-labor, anti-women, homophobic and militarist grouping in U.S. politics.
We want no part of that. We don’t have any illusions about the Democratic Party, but we don’t have any illusions about the Republican Party either.
Furthermore, we are also aware of the undeniable fact that no other party besides the Democratic Party stands a chance of beating the GOP next year.
I’m sure Obama will win in 2012 now.. yeah right.
ATC Says - Well I am totally shocked! .......NOT! After all this revelation should come to most with a thinking brain as no surprise once they consider the destructive nature of this Presidents Administration and policies since he took office in 2008! He has been intentionally destroying America's economy and transforming it into a third-world Nation.When you have Communist Dictators like Hugo Chavez, The Regime of Cuba, and the American Communist Party all agreeing with your President's position and foreign policies and then even go so far as to endorse him ......well then you better damn well believe that something is wrong!
Obama, speaking to the radical mestizo group La Raza yesterday, told them that he wished he could bypass Congress and rule the country all by the end of the video he says: obama: "That's not how our system works"
(latino female voice from the crowd): "Change it!"
ATC Says - I love how at the beginning of the video he states "...and I know some people want me to just bypass CON-gress and change the laws on my own...." Doesn't take an Einstein to figure out who those "SOME PEOPLE" are. Just look at the faces of these illegals chanting and urging the president to become a dictator and embrace dictatorial powers. It is this racial lobby, the Illegals and the home grown latino population that the president is counting on for his re-election.
The comment is from Rep. Steve King (R-IA), who told his followers on Twitter that they should "stop talking about" a potential U.S. default.
"The 1st dime of each $1 of revenue services debt," he wrote Monday. "Obama would be impeached if he blocked debt payments."
The comment is ironic in that Republicans have played the largest role in pushing the U.S. government to the brink of defaulting on some debts by refusing to lift the nation's debt ceiling
Congressional Republicans raised the ceiling nine times during the Bush administration, adding over $4 trillion to the nation's debts. President Obama, as a freshman Senator from Illinois, voted in 2006 against raising the debt ceiling, but has sincecalled his decision a mistake of inexperience
Today the president and Treasury are warning that if the debt limit is not raised before August 2, the government will be forced to default on some of its debts. President Obama even warned that Social Security checks might not arrive on time, or at all, if Congress cannot secure a deal. Raw Story
The U.S. constitution stipulates that only Congress can authorize the federal government to borrow money. Since 1962 Congress has raised the debt ceiling 72 separate times, including 10 times in the past decade alone. Al Jazeera
When Obama took office in January 2009 in the midst of the biggest economic turndown since the Great Depression, U.S. public debt stood at $10.6tn. This May, two and a half years later, the current debt limit of $14.3tn was reached. Al Jazeera
House Speaker John Boehner is faced with the fact that as many as 40-50 of his members oppose a debt ceiling increase on principle. Guardian
Republicans have repeatedly sidelined talks, insisting that tax increases for the wealthiest Americans and corporations are unacceptable, as are cuts to national defense. They've instead focused on plans that would eliminate Medicare, dip into the Social Security fund and dramatically reduce the government's workforce. Raw Story
The U.S. officially hit its $14.3 trillion debt ceiling on May 16, 2011. WSJ
The U.S. government could potentially default on its debts on August 2. Industry Leaders Magazine
The U.S. Treasury is borrowing $4.22 billion per day, adding to the current debt. Real Clear Politics
Congress has raised the federal debt limit 10 times over the past 10 years. National Journal
As Washington's debt ceiling stalemate threatens the American economy, conservative Republicans warn of dire consequences — for President Obama
Best Opinion: No More Mister Nice Blog, American Conservative, New Republic
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) took the rhetoric in the debt ceiling debate to a new level on Monday, saying viaTwitterthat President Obama could beimpeachedif he lets the U.S. default on its debts. King said there's no reason to even suggest default is a possibility on Aug. 2, when the Treasury Department says the government will run short of money to pay its bills, because, in King's words, "the 1st dime of each $1 of revenue services debt," so while we might fall short on other financial obligations, the U.S. will always pay its debts. Rep. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) has also mentioned impeachment, should Obama raise the debt ceiling without congressional approval. Is impeachment really a possibility, or is this just wishful thinking on the part of conservative Republicans?
Let's hope the GOP tries this nonsense: "Impeachment would be a good thing," says Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog. Not because Obama deserves it, but because such an attack "without any semblance of an impeachable offense would smack some sense into America." It would prove once and for all that our political system isn't broken, it's "being destroyed by a specific cabal of sociopaths known as the Republican Party." "Impeachment of the president? Would that also count as 'both sides are to blame'?"
Impeachment should be on the table: Rep. King is right, says J.D. Longstreet at American Conservative Daily. "There will be no default — unless Obama wants there to be a default." And if Obama torpedoes the economy by refusing to make debt payments or, as he has considered, raises the debt ceiling without congressional approval, he'll be putting his own political aims ahead of the American people, and the Constitution. "Obama is in over his head ... again!"
Republicans might try impeachment, but not over this: "I'd be pretty surprised if the debt ceiling leads to impeachment," says Jonathan Chait at The New Republic. The mainstream GOP is not going to such extremes yet. But if the GOP misses its "one real chance to oust Obama — the 2012 elections — "the impeachment sentiment currently lingering around the margins [may move] toward the mainstream of the party." "Obama impeachment watch"
ATC Says - the one real threat the Republicans fail to acknowledge or see is that because of their unwillingness to show solidarity with the Tea Party when it first began to emerge in the beginning and instead attack it the Tea Party will run on the ballot in the 2012 elections as a third party. History has shown that when this happens it tends to split the Republican vote and hand victory to the Democrats as was true with the Case of President Clinton when Perot ran against him as an independent....well we all know the outcome of that election don't we! History threatens to repeat itself once again as we are coming up on the 2012 election cycle with a growing tea party of conservatives disenchanted with the Republican Party that threaten to run candidates as a third party....if Obongo Wins re-election folks then all bets are off. Everything he has done and implemented up to this point has been carefully carried out and orchestrated because he wants to be re-elected... Once he is re-elected then he can do what he wants without fear of the polls therefore.....Impeachment may be the only legal recourse we as American citizens are left to save our country from financial oblivion and set our nation back on the correct course towards economic prosperity and growth!
This isn't the only grounds for Impeachment by far....there is another move that is calling for Obama's impeachment regarding America's Involvement in Lybia:
Bruce Fein, former Reagan administration, has introduced an article of impeachment against President Obama back in April 2011 for getting the US involved in a war in Libya without Congressional approval. Fein explains:
As America’s poorest wait for Social Security checks that may never come on Aug. 3, President Barack Obama will be out celebrating a milestone birthday at a party where tickets cost up to $35,800 each.
Republicans are slamming the decision to have the party as “insensitive.”
“This really shows how unserious he is,” Republican Rep. Joe Walsh, a fellow Chicagoan, tells Newsmax exclusively. “I realize it’s his birthday, but he is a president who has said he doesn’t know if social security checks will go out that day.
“If that’s the case, I cannot believe he will be having a big party that very day.”
Obama said on Tuesday that he cannot guarantee that social security checks will go out from August 3 unless a deal can be reached on raising the nation’s $14.3 trillion debt limit. “There may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it,” he told CBS’ Scott Pelley.
Unless the deal is reached, government services across the board will be cut and in many cases closed down.
“My first thought was that he will have to fly to Chicago before the third because I can’t imagine airports will be open,” said Walsh. “And he’ll have to have a huge supply of candles because the lights are going to go out.
“I am amazed he will be able to have a party at all.”
Walsh said he hopes to be in Chicago on Aug. 3 himself to be with his family in case the calamity that Obama has warned about comes to fruition. “I just doubt I’ll get an invitation to the party,” he said.
Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson is expected to perform at the birthday bash at the historic Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. The event will be one of the president’s biggest fundraisers of the year. Publicity literature featuring a red, white and blue Happy Birthday logo has already been produced.
The event will be “multi-tiered,” the Chicago Sun-Times reported. The Hudson concert would cost $50; admission to the party $200; a premium seat $1,000; a souvenir photo with the president $10,000; and VIP seating and dinner with Obama $38,500.
Another GOP Congressman, Louie Gohmert of Texas was incredulous about the timing. “That’d be as crazy as setting up golf games in the middle of going after Osama bin Laden,” he said. “I’m sure he wouldn’t do something like that – or maybe he would.”
Obama has been leading contentious talks all week with leaders of both parties in the House and Senate to avoid the August 2 deadline. On Friday he warned of financial “Armageddon” if a deal cannot be reached.
ATC Says: He has done nothing but play politics with the debt ceiling and has shown his unwillingness to work with Republicans unless the deal is done his way and on his terms....He uses scare tactics to scare the sheeple and fails as a leader to take the lead on the negotiations and demands his subordinates to come up with a viable plan that he himself has not produced. For two years now, even when the democrats controlled both houses of CON-gress and the White House have failed to pass a budget of their own and it is because of that and by their very design we find ourselves down to the wire as we are! Everything this President has done to this point has shrunk job growth and swelled our deficit and Unemployment rate! It has even been accounted that he has been quoted as stating tempted to do it on his own (raise the Debt Ceiling that is) without Congressional approval by the August 2nd deadline. We can't have something as frivolous as the United States Defaulting on its Debt interfere with Imposter President's Birthday Party and re-election fundraiser now would we?
Well, what do you know. Obama administration officials at the Department of Homeland Security deliberately misled Congress when they denied using “selective enforcement” to deport convicted criminals in the U.S. illegally. Their much-criticized “catch and release” policy was confirmed bydocuments obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act.
The documents “show that the Obama administration is implementing ‘stealth amnesty’ which is an end-run around the rule of law and Congress,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.
Contrary to administration claims that convicted criminals were being deported just as fast as DHS got them, the released documents show that local immigration officials were in fact being given what Judicial Watch describes as “wide latitude” to dismiss federal immigration charges –even against criminals convicted of violent crimes such as sexual assault, solicitation of murder, kidnapping, aggravated assault, drug possession and assaulting a police officer.
They were then released back into the same American communities they violated, where they were free to prey on new victims.
One example: A June 30, 2010 memo from John Morton, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Enforcement, instructs all ICE employees to use discretion in “prioritizing” deportation cases. As a result, Houston ICE increased its dismissals of deportation cases by 40 percent, earning praise from ICE headquarters.
“If the crime is remote in time and the alien has a substantial number of equities, all factors will be weighed to determine if an exercise of PD [prosecutorial discretion] is appropriate,” wrote Gary Goldman, chief counsel for Houston ICE, in a Aug. 12, 2010 memo. “ICE Senior Leadership does not want their attorneys to merely fill a seat in immigration court and blindly prosecute every case handed to them. The current administration wants attorneys of greater sophistication, independence and complexity in decision making…”
The current administration may want “sophistication”, but the American people want convicted foreign criminals kicked out of the U.S.A.
This is strikingly similar to ICE’s refusal todeport Carlos Martinelly-Montano, who was subsequently charged with killing one nun and critically injuring two others last August in Prince William County in a drunk driving accident. Martinelly-Montano was allowed to remain in the U.S. despite two previous DUI convictions.
After critics in the media, including The Examiner, criticized ICE’s “catch and release” policy, Morton sent out another memo dated June 17, 2011 further defining the term “prosecutorial discretion.”
“In basic terms, prosecutorial discretion is the authority of an agency charged with enforcing a law to decide to what degree to enforce the law against a particular individual,” Morton writes. In other words, the identity of the foreign offender – not the crime itself – determines whether or not the criminal is deported.
As Fitton points out, this is exactly the selective enforcement that the Obama administration claimed it was not doing.
ATC SAYS - And all this to what? You better bet the answer is to appease the Mexican Government and garnish latino voters to the Democrat Voter Base...Happy with democrats who are willing to do anything to curry their favor...even violate the law and mislead the sheepish public with their lies to the contrary all the while they move behind our very backs to solidify theirvotes for the 2012 election. One only merely need look at Obongo's declining poll ratings to understand why he is trying to pander to the leaders of the Mexican amnesty groups. One case in point, in 2008, Obama gave Cecilia Munoz, La Raza’s former senior vice president, a cushy hack job as director of “International Affairs.”Obama understands that Latino voters are very personally engaged and watching carefully what is happening with the immigration policies because they know people who will be impacted by said policies!
US president warns Texan authorities that execution would put America in breach of international legal obligations(ATC Says - the Fuck you say! Mexico isn't worried about its international obligations concerning the flood of Illegal Immigrants into why should we care what the hell they think about dealing with a deviant criminal on our soil that rapes and kills Americans ......much less what this ZOG tool in a suit with his teleprompter thinks!)
President Barack Obama is attempting to block the execution in Texas on Thursday of a Mexican man because it would breach an international convention and do "irreparable harm" to US interests. The White House has asked the US supreme court to put the execution of Humberto Leal Garcia on hold while Congress passes a law that would prevent the convicted rapist and murderer from being put to death along with dozens of other foreign nationals who were denied proper access to diplomatic representation before trials for capital crimes. The administration moved after the governor of Texas, Rick Perry, brushed aside appeals from diplomats, top judges, senior military officers, the United Nations and former president George W Bush to stay Leal's execution because it could jeopardise American citizens arrested abroad as well as US diplomatic interests. Leal, 38, was convicted in 1994 of the rape and murder of a 16-year-old girl in San Antonio. Few question that he was responsible for the killing but the Texas authorities failed to tell Leal, who was born in Mexico and has lived in the US since the age of two, that under the Vienna convention he was entitled to contact the Mexican consulate when he was arrested. Leal's lawyers argue that the lack of consular access played a role in the death penalty being applied because the Mexican national incriminated himself in statements made during "non-custodial interviews" with the police on the day of the murder. Had Leal had access to the Mexican consulate it would have been likely to have arranged a lawyer who would have advised the accused man to limit his statements to the police. As it was, the Mexican authorities were never informed of his arrest. In a 30-page brief to the supreme court, the administration said that the carrying out of the execution "would place the United States in irreparable breach of its international law obligation" under the convention. The White House said it was in the US's interests to meet its treaty obligations. "These interests include protecting Americans abroad, fostering co-operation with foreign nations, and demonstrating respect for the international rule of law," it said. Carrying out Leal's execution would cause "irreparable harm" to US interests abroad, the administration added. "That breach would have serious repercussions for United States foreign relations, law-enforcement and other co-operation with Mexico, and the ability of American citizens travelling abroad to have the benefits of consular assistance in the event of detention," it said. The legal situation has been complicated by earlier court rulings. In 2004, the international court of justice (ICJ) ruled that the US authorities had failed to meet its legal obligations to 51 Mexicans awaiting execution in American prisons when they were not informed of their right to contact their consulates. The then president, George W Bush, a former Texas governor who backs the death penalty, said the US would adhere to the ICJ ruling which, in effect, meant the death sentences would be reviewed or commuted. But in 2008 the supreme court ruled that while the US government was obliged to comply with the ICJ ruling it did not have the power to force individual American states to do so. Only Congress could require adherence by passing a law. The Obama administration has told the supreme court that a bill has recently been introduced in to the Senate to do just that but it is unlikely to win the approval of both houses of Congress before next year. The White House wants Leal's execution put on hold until the law is passed but two courts have already ruled that pending legislation has no effect on the legal process. The UN high commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay, has appealed to Perry to commute Leal's sentence to life imprisonment. Christof Heyns, the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions said that if Leal was put to death it would be "tantamount to an arbitrary deprivation of life". Perry's office has said Texas laws had been abided by and that Leal would be executed for "the most heinous of crimes".
ATC Says - OK lets suppose that this was some white guy from Colorado who snuck into mexico illegally (I know hard to why the hell would anybody want to illegally sneak into that shithole to begin with right) , lived there for some time, got a job layed low off the grid then suddenly got into trouble with the mexican authorities for the same crime........Do you seriously think that the Mexican Government is going to be concerned about their international legal obligations concerning the execution an American! HELL NO! That fucker is dead and deservedly so!
God I love Texas, probably one of the last bastions of racial sanity left that has a leader with balls big enough to stand up against the liberal agenda and evil machinations of the Obama-nation Obomination!
On June 17, the Obama administration issued a memo announcing that federal immigration officials do not have to deport illegal aliens if they are enrolled in any type of education program, if their family members have volunteered for U.S. military service, or even if they are pregnant or nursing.
This new policy of “prosecutorial discretion” was quietly announced on Friday afternoon, and completely ignored by the mainstream press.
Author of Arizona’s SB1070 and Kansas’ secretary of state, Kris Kobach, told the Daily Caller: “They’re pushing the [immigration] agents to be even more lax, to go further in not enforcing the law. At a time when millions of Americans are unemployed and looking for work, this is more bad news coming from the Obama administration… [if the administration] really cared about putting Americans back to work, it would be vigorously enforcing the law.”
Late last year, the so-called DREAM Act which would give legal residency status to millions of illegal aliens who attend college or join the military was defeated in the Senate.
Every major poll has shown that the American people are overwhelmingly opposed to the DREAM Act as well as any other form of amnesty.
However, with Obama’s poll numbers plummeting, this use of his executive powers is seen as an obvious ploy to solidify the Latino vote in the 2012 presidential election.
Clickhereto view the entire memo. The categories are mentioned on pages 4 and 5.
ATC Says - Anything he can do to try and get re-elected. I sound like a broken record I know but in light of his continuing falling popularity amongst the fools who put him into office in 2008, Obongo has no choice now but to pander to the latino vote and foreigners to keep him in office! The American people overwhelmingly oppose any form of Amnesty but it's not like this administration really cares or governs with the will of the American People at heart anyways! We must fight this and do our best to see this creature and all his machinations deposed!
WASHINGTON (RNN) - DNA testing confirms the man responsible for the planning of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the central figure in the al-Qaeda terrorist operation, Osama bin Laden, has been killed by U.S. forces.
"This is a good day for America," President Barack Obama said Monday during a previously scheduled Medal of Honor ceremony.
DNA was not the only evidence that confirms bin Laden's death, according to the Associated Press (AP). Matching physical features of the his recovered body, a detailed CIA photo analysis and the testimonies of those at the scene all back up the government's genetic testing.
"There should be no doubt in anybody's mind, this is Osama bin Laden," a government official said to the AP.
Obama announced late Sunday night that bin Laden had been killed in Pakistan in a firefight with U.S. forces.
"The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al-Qaeda. His death does not mark the end of our effort," Obama said.
A U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity said bin Laden's burial would be handled according to Islamic tradition, which required burial within 24 hours, the AP reported.
However, muslim clerics said bin Laden's burial at sea is not in accordance with tradition, the AP reported.
"The Americans want to humiliate Muslims through this burial, and I don't think this is in the interest of the U.S. administration," said Omar Bakri Mohammed, a radical cleric in Lebanon, told the AP.
The U.S. government says it would have been difficult to find a country willing to take bin Laden's body, for fear it would create a permanent shrine. Unconfirmed reports indicate that two countries turned down requests to claim the body: Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
It remains unclear if the U.S. government will provide photographic evidence of bin Laden's dead body.(ATC Says .....oh I am sure they eventually will, after all it took us 2 1/2 years to see a birth certificate....I am sure at some point when it is politically expedient and beneficial to Obongo, as was the case with the a fore mentioned item, it will be).
Leads on bin Laden's whereabouts first surfaced last August, Obama said Sunday, but they was "far from certain." After several meetings last week, he and his national security team finally had enough intelligence to take action.
According to senior Obama administration officials, bin Laden was located in a $1 million compound in Pakistan.
"Intelligence analysts determined this compound was custom built to hide someone of significance," the official said. "Everything we saw was perfectly consistent with what experts expected bin Laden's compound to look like."
He noted it also had no phone or internet access.
In a 40-minute raid, bin Laden was killed, as well as three adult men, two believed to be couriers and a third, bin Laden's adult son. A woman was also killed when she was used as a shield by a combatant within the compound.
The administration officials say the intelligence on bin Laden's whereabouts was not shared with any other country and only a few people within the ranks of the U.S. government knew about the operation in advance.
The president called it "a good and historic day."
"We can say to those families who have lost loved ones to al-Qaeda's terror, justice has been done," Obama said.
"Let me say to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11, that we have never forgotten your loss, nor wavered in our commitment to see that we do whatever it takes to prevent another attack on our shores."
Bin Laden was widely regarded as public enemy No. 1 of the U.S.
"Well, this is a terrific day for America, and quite frankly the whole world that cares about winning the war on terror," said Andy Card, chief of staff of former President George W. Bush, to ABC.
Throngs of people gathered outside the White House Sunday evening and sang the national anthem and Queen's "We Are the Champions."
Before the announcement was made, U.S. military installations were placed on heightened alert in preparation for possible retaliation.
"There's no doubt that al-Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us," Obama said. "We must and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad."
According to MSA Security, however, the fate of Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's second in command, remains unknown at the current time.
"Zawahiri is widely believed to be the driving force for al-Qaeda operations worldwide," said the intelligence agency in a news release issued Monday morning.
The death of bin Laden comes almost 10 years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the start of the war in Afghanistan.
Bin Laden is also wanted by the FBI in connection with a trio of bombings on U.S. Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya. The attacks, which killed more than 200, occurred on Aug. 7, 1998.
The FBI advertised a $25 million reward for information leading to Bin Laden's capture.
ATC Says - I will not believe it until I see the body.......Why the delay in the release of the photo? This sure is a good distraction for the sheeple, they are celebrating at ground zero, just wait folks and your memory will come back to you about how this president has gone out of his way to wreck this country.........just wait till the new higher taxes kick in and then there's retaliatory strikes on US soil .......oh, and gas hits $7 a gallon
BREAKING NEWS ON they are giving him a burial at sea (in accordance with Islamic tradition of course), so they release news that the DNA tests are a positive match they are him (Osama), they don't release a photo for the public to see, and we're just supossed to trust them and take their work for it?
Don't worry folks your government wouldn't lie to you or create a series of circumstances tailored to sway your allegiance or opinion now would they? Move along nothing to see here.....Ignore the men behind the curtain!