Wednesday, April 27, 2011
White House Releases Obama's Illeged Long-Form Birth Certificate
The White House has released President Obama's long-form birth certificate, saying the document is "proof positive" the president was born in Hawaii.
* Why did Obama spend two million dollars NOT to release the birth certificate until now...........a full 2 1/2 years into his Presidency?
* Why did the hospital that he was born in NOT claim credit for him being born there all this time.....until suddenly now, Why couldn't even the newly elected Governor of Hawaii locate the "missing" birth certificate?
And why did Obama fabricate a Social Security number (Federal Offense to say the least) when he illegedly had a job in an ice cream shop in Hawaii??
Would it have been OK in the media's eyes if George Bush had been able to keep his military records sealed that were called into question during his two terms as President? I think not, so why is it OK for this mongrel.....why because he is black? And because of his race even raising these questions makes me or anyone else a racist? Such a bullshit double-standard and it is this very double standard that is splitting the country!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Birther Alert! - Leaked 2006 Tape Of Senator Obama!
This was released this afternoon and it is exploding on the net. Here is a tape released by ITN news of Obama who was a Senator back in 2006 campaigning for his cousin, mass murderer Raila Odinga in Kenya. The film crew catches him on a microphone stating to the crowd "I'm so proud to be back home" This confirms what his wife Michelle said a while back this:
"Barack has led by example. When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya..."
U.S. Senator Barack Obama arrived in western Kenya on Saturday (August 26) to a welcome from thousands of cheering well-wishers, there to greet the rising political star of the America's Democratic Party as a native son. Obama flew into Kisumu, on the shores of Lake Victoria, on the way to his Kenyan father's village for the highly anticipated climax of his two-week African tour.............Source:
It's possible that Trump had this released. He said this morning that he is frightened for this country if it's found the he's ineligible. (ATC Says - If that's true, ATC says enthusiastically.....Way to go......go get him Trump!)
2007: Michelle Obama declares Obama is Kenyan and America is mean - (at the 2:00 min mark)
2007 Fundraiser, Michelle Obama says Obama is Kenyan, also says America is too mean and cynical. Michelle was speaking at a fundraiser in Tampa Florida, December 2007. (Kenyan/mean remarks around 2:00.)

2008: Michelle Obama declares Barack Obama's Home country is Kenya:
ATC Says - OK I can just see how this is going to be spun......Oh no she mispoke, or ...em, the president mis-spoke, or uhhhh Obongo was just trying to bond with the crowd by saying he was from tham and one of them in a brotherly sort or way, or some other rediculous bullshit like that....just wait for it folks. When you hear all the propaganda spin please bear this little fact in mind........ Obama never really denied being born in Kenya until he decided to be presidentand a fake show election supported by his special interests installed him in office!
Importing Disaster: Demographic Changes Mean Democrat Future!
At a gathering some years ago, I had a political conversation with a man who had recently arrived here from Denmark. He was advocating his home country's socialist system, which, of course, led to profound disagreement. He was good natured and cordial, however, so the debate ended on a polite note. Yet it also ended on an ironic one: When asked if he wanted to return home, his answer was no. (ATC Says - Hmmm.........interesting how none of them ever want too even though they brag to us all how great the shithole is they came from....)

This is a common phenomenon. We see it, for instance, in liberal northerners who move to the South for the lower taxes and cost of living and greater freedom, but then continue to vote for the kind of politicians who made the Northeast a nice place to leave. And while this befuddles many, it's simply man's nature. Of course people want that which is good, such as a better lifestyle, but wanting and attaining are two different things. Everyone wants good health, for example, but many nevertheless are too attached to unhealthful foods and practices to relinquish them. Oh, they might move into your healthy body if they could, but they would likely do to it what a government-subsidized project does to a good neighborhood.
The electorate has become less white and more Hispanic more rapidly than predicted, according to the national census, two trends that will influence elections for decades.... Mr Obama and the Democrats have long had a significant lead among minority voters, [and these demographic changes are] lifting their chances of taking states such as Nevada, Georgia and Arizona [which were] lost in 2008.
The non-Hispanic white population dropped from 69.1 per cent in 2000 to 63.7 per cent in 2010. By contrast, the minority population, which includes African Americans and African Asians [sic], jumped from 30.9 per cent to 36.3 during the same period.

ATC Says - The Cricket noises you are hearing emanates from inside the empty heads of liberals hell bent on holding on to power at the cost of the country! Demographic change-race-replacement-means a constantly shrinking Native Born White American Minority that will be putting it's fate in the hands of a well-armed / violent post-1965 highly reproducing nonwhite racial majority. Now if any of you are unclear about what that means it goes a little something like this.........the Native Born White American Minority will be violently persecuted the moment they complain about and resist racial discrimination.....(Hell it's already starting folks!)
Just exactly what the DEMONRATS (Democrats) are doing needs to be seen for what it is......It is a clear war of racial aggression against the current Native Born White American Majority. Why? Because the Native Born White American population, for the most part, won’t vote Democratic. The Democrats response.......... enact by policy a decision to import the voters they need from Mexico, Haiti, Nigeria, Jamaica and as many other nonwhite nations they can find, soley with the intent of creating a NEW majority nonwhite voting block that will vote enthusiastically for them and for the continuing race-replacement of the Native Born White Majority in America!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Obama's broken promises kick-off campaign for 2012
ATC Says - In the end, what it is going to come down to is a battle between the people who pull Obamas puppet strings (ie the ones who finance his re-election campaign and have the most to gain from him being in office another four years and the will of the American voter. Unfortunately, and as we have seen in times past with unpopular presidents such as George Bush, that despite the outrage and will of the American people........corporate interests and big business take precedence and hold the real sway in presidential elections. It's time for a real change people.....Time to stop feeding the same machine that keeps screwing us, take our outrage to those who would ignore us and force them from their positions of power and repopulate their positions with individuals that will serve the soverign prosperity of our nation and govern with the will and consent of the people!
Obama moves to protect his illegal alien voter base by making it harder to deport them!

The changes focus enforcement on immigrants who have committed serious crimes, an effort to unclog immigration courts and detention centers. A record backlog of deportation cases has forced immigrants to wait an average 459 days for their hearings, according to an Aug. 12 report by Syracuse University's Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), which analyzes government data.
Among the recent changes:
• Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director John Morton ordered agency officials on Aug. 20 to begin dismissing deportation cases against people who haven't committed serious crimes and have credible immigration applications pending.
• A proposed directive from Morton posted on ICE's website for public comment last month would generally prohibit police from using misdemeanor traffic stops to send people to ICE. Traffic stops have led to increased deportations in recent years, according to Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, a think tank whose research supports tighter enforcement.
The directive said exceptions would be made in certain cases, such as when immigrants have serious criminal records.
• ICE officers have been told to "exercise discretion" when deciding whether to detain "long-time lawful permanent residents, juveniles, the immediate family members of U.S. citizens, veterans, members of the armed forces and their families, and others with illnesses or special circumstances," Daniel Ragsdale, ICE executive associate director of management, testified July 1 in the administration's lawsuit to block Arizona's controversial immigration law. The law requires police officers to determine the immigration status of suspects stopped for another offense if there was a "reasonable suspicion" they are in the USA illegally. A U.S. district judge has held up the provision pending review.
• A draft memo from ICE's sister agency, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, to Morton discussed ways the administration could adjust regulations so certain groups, such as college students and the spouses of military personnel, could legalize their status or at least avoid deportation if Congress doesn't pass comprehensive immigration reform. USCIS rules on applications for visas, work permits and citizenship. USCIS spokesman Christopher Bentley said the memo was intended to stimulate brainstorming on how to legalize immigrants if new laws aren't passed.
The administration's new direction puts it at odds with those who believe the nation's immigration laws should be strictly enforced and that all illegal immigrants should be deported.
ICE is "thumbing its nose at the law," said Rep. Steve King of Iowa, the top Republican on the House immigration subcommittee.
The changes have also drawn complaints from immigration advocates. They say deportations under Obama are at record highs and immigrants who remain behind are living in limbo, without work permits, Social Security cards or driver's licenses.
"This isn't a free ticket," said Raed Gonzalez, a Houston attorney who saw cases against his clients dropped last month. "The government can put them back into proceedings at any time."
Morton said in an interview that the new strategy is smarter, not softer, enforcement. At a time when more than 10 million people are in the country illegally, record sums are spent on enforcement and the federal budget faces huge deficits, it makes sense to target people who pose the biggest threat to public safety or national security, he said.
"Congress provides enough money to deport a little less than 400,000 people," Morton said. "My perspective is those 400,000 people shouldn't be the first 400,000 people in the door but rather 400,000 people who reflect some considered government enforcement policy based on a rational set of objectives and priorities."
ICE statistics show that deportations have increased dramatically from 189,000 in 2001 to 387,000 in 2009. Much of the increase results from deportations of people who haven't committed serious crimes, according to TRAC.
This year, however, that trend took a sharp turn, according to an Aug. 12 TRAC report.
The number of criminal immigrants removed by ICE "climbed to an all-time high," the report said. In fiscal 2010, which began Oct. 1, "The removal pace of criminal aliens ... is fully 60% higher than in the last year of the Bush administration, and at least a third (37%) higher than in the first year of the Obama administration."
ATC Says - BIG FUCKING DEAL! It's not good enough - ALL people in this country ILLEGALLY should be deported - ir-regardless of their perceived danger, or lack thereof......Just exactly what part of ILLEGAL do these politically correct retards not understand?.....and not just the Dems..... but the Rpubs too!
Obongo seeks to legitimize these so-called non-violent illegal immigrants to appease the latino population and lock in several million new voters to the democrat party voter base......Why? Because overwhelmingly across the board and in every poll he is loosing support from liberals republicans and independents and the only chance this CRIMINAL has at holding on to power is by extending citizenship to millions of foreigners who came here illegally by jumping ahead in line of those who have been waiting legitimately, and legally to come here! Clearly folks this man has no regard for the Constitution - or the will of the American people and needs to be IMPEACHED!