This was released this afternoon and it is exploding on the net. Here is a tape released by ITN news of Obama who was a Senator back in 2006 campaigning for his cousin, mass murderer Raila Odinga in Kenya. The film crew catches him on a microphone stating to the crowd "I'm so proud to be back home" This confirms what his wife Michelle said a while back this:
"Barack has led by example. When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya..."
U.S. Senator Barack Obama arrived in western Kenya on Saturday (August 26) to a welcome from thousands of cheering well-wishers, there to greet the rising political star of the America's Democratic Party as a native son. Obama flew into Kisumu, on the shores of Lake Victoria, on the way to his Kenyan father's village for the highly anticipated climax of his two-week African tour.............Source:
It's possible that Trump had this released. He said this morning that he is frightened for this country if it's found the he's ineligible. (ATC Says - If that's true, ATC says enthusiastically.....Way to go......go get him Trump!)
2007: Michelle Obama declares Obama is Kenyan and America is mean - (at the 2:00 min mark)
2007 Fundraiser, Michelle Obama says Obama is Kenyan, also says America is too mean and cynical. Michelle was speaking at a fundraiser in Tampa Florida, December 2007. (Kenyan/mean remarks around 2:00.)

2008: Michelle Obama declares Barack Obama's Home country is Kenya:
ATC Says - OK I can just see how this is going to be spun......Oh no she mispoke, or ...em, the president mis-spoke, or uhhhh Obongo was just trying to bond with the crowd by saying he was from tham and one of them in a brotherly sort or way, or some other rediculous bullshit like that....just wait for it folks. When you hear all the propaganda spin please bear this little fact in mind........ Obama never really denied being born in Kenya until he decided to be presidentand a fake show election supported by his special interests installed him in office!
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