It’s called “Net Neutrality.” Sounds fair, right? I mean -- that’s what the liberal-socialist democrats are all about, right? Fairness is their utmost priority, right? Why, they’d never do anything to limit the freedom of Americans … riiiiight?
If you believe all that, then prepare yourself for a rude awakening.

When a political movement intends to takeover a nation’s government, one of the very first things it absolutely MUST DO … is take control of that nation’s communications networks. It must be able to control access to communications if it expects its efforts to be successful.
I began warning readers that the Obama Regime would make an effort to take over the Internet from the early days of the Obama reign. It was as plain as the nose on my face that to make the fundamental change in America that Obama swore he would make, then he would have to gain control of the nations communications. There have been very few successful revolutions in modern history in which the broadcasting stations, networks, and newspapers were not first compromised, or taken over completely by the revolutionaries -- or just shut down.
The Internet is a “thorn in the flesh” of the liberal-socialists in the current American government. It gives them NIGHTMARES!
Conservative bloggers have been the cause of great consternation in the White House and the West Wing and even to those liberal-socialist senators and congresspersons on The Hill. They have been seething with anger at the ability of conservatives to get disseminate their message of Obama’s shadow government and his sub-rosa strategy to convert America to a European style socialist state, not only to Americans, but around the globe -- at the click of a mouse.
Their embarrassment when confronted by fellow socialist leaders in countries they favor, such as Venezuela and Cuba, is overwhelming. And they can bear it no longer!
So, they have decided they must make the initial step to grab control of the Internet and bring it to heel as a servant of the socialist regime of Obama.
Never mind that the courts have already told them the Federal Communications Commission has no authority to regulate the Internet. They are going to do it anyway. This is typical of the socialist Obama Regime. They have been ruling against the will of the American people since day one.
The National Journal reports, in an article by David Hatch and Eliza Krigman, the following: “The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission unveiled a new initiative today he said would preserve the openness of the Internet but that critics attacked on two fronts, with watchdog groups saying it watered down the Web's egalitarian roots and conservatives saying it opened the door to excessive regulation.”
The report goes on to say: “The proposal split the agency along party lines, with the five-member commission’s two GOP members quickly condemning it and setting the stage for a partisan vote that could draw a backlash next year from the GOP-controlled House.
“I strongly oppose this ill-advised maneuver. Such rules would upend three decades of bipartisan and international consensus that the Internet is best able to thrive in the absence of regulation,” wrote Robert McDowell, the FCC’s senior Republican.
GOP member Meredith Attwell Baker warned: “We do not have authority to act. The new majority of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce has asked the commission not to circulate this order, and a clear majority of all members of Congress has expressed concern with our Internet policies. Whether the Internet should be regulated is a decision best left to the directly elected representatives.”
The report continues: “The fight over “network neutrality” has been brewing for years and has divided much of the telecom industry and Congress, with many conservative Democrats joining Republicans in opposition. While the topic may seem technical and obscure, it boils down to a question of whether the Internet remains an open platform in which every website is on equal footing, or whether fast lanes are established that grant priority treatment to websites and online services willing to pay for such privileges.” (You may read the entire article (HERE).)
I am convinced this is the “foot in the door” for which the Obama Regime has been searching.
But it is all about “fairness” ... right? Allow me to ask this: How are conservative bloggers going to feel when they are ORDERED by the FCC to place links to opposing viewpoints, espoused by some left-wing socialist, on their blogs? Oh, its coming if the new Congress doesn’t bring the FCC to heel … and fast!
We suggest the US House of Representatives shut off all funding to the FCC until they back off their socialist scheme to control this nation’s communications via the Internet. Plus, we ask for a bill to be introduced in the House to make it unlawful for the FCC, the FTC, or any other government agency, to regulate the Internet.
It is time to speak up for freedom of speech, once again. It is time to defend the Internet from those who intend to take it over and, ultimately use it to champion socialist, left wing causes and spread their liberal-socialist venom into practically every home in America.
As in every war victory comes by winning one battle at a time. Do not deceive yourself. We are at war for the freedom of Americans. One of our most effective weapons is the Internet. We cannot allow it to be taken from us. I am convinced that is exactly what the FCC, under the Obama Regime, intends to do.
To the barricades! The war continues!
ATC Says - It is a prime duty of any dictatorship to immediately seek to control the flow of information and regulate the expression of speech is it not? Dark times beacon my friends, freedom as we have known and enjoyed it is about to radically be redefined!
it is but a sign of the times! with this marxist agenda current in our country it is but to be expected