The Democratic leadership in Washington is seeking a few Republicans to support this Amnesty legislation that would grant citizenship rights to 2-3 million, then eventually 12-20 million illegal aliens in America.
The Democrats plan to pass this Amnesty, which most Americans of every race oppose, over Christmas just like the Healthcare bill.
As ALIPAC's President, William Gheen, explains on Fox News the passage of the dream act would DISPLACE AN REPLACE the political influence of the Tea Party Movement, the Fox News viewing audience, and the vast majority of Americans that support the enforcement of America's existing immigration and border laws instead of any form of Dream or Comprehensive Amnesty.
Well I have been saying this repeatedly for a long time now to anyone that will listen, there is NO TWO-PARTY system, just one party that changes it's face every election cycle and all we get from the newly elected party is the same old bullshit being shoveled upon the masses with a different face.....the article states that the (Demon-rats) will now seek out a few sympathetic (purley pathetic) republicans to go along with this. Unfortunately, considering the last immigration reform bill put forward was by the Bush administration in 2007 we saw how there were plenty of Republicans that jumped on the Amnesty wagon with that old troglodite John Mc-Same (McCain) leading the charge...... :() The truth is that most Americans are against Immigration reform because it offers legal status to the millions of illegals currently in this country, the problem is that neither party could care less and as a consequence this bill will no doubt be passed irregardless of what you and me the unwashed masses of voters have to say!

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