Friday, December 31, 2010

ObamaCare Shocker! It Costs More & Helps Less!

An early feature of the new health-care law that allows people who are already sick to get insurance to cover their medical costs isn't attracting as many customers as expected.

Go figure, not like anyone didn't see this coming eh?

In the meantime, in at least a few states, claims for medical care covered by the "high-risk pools" are proving very costly, and it is an open question whether the $5 billion allotted by Congress to start up the plans will be sufficient.

The White House claimed that 375,000 people needed the help of these subsidies. They were just a wee bit off by say….97%

In the spring, the Medicare program’s chief actuary predicted that 375,000 people would sign up for the pool plans by the end of the year. Early last month, the Health and Human Services Department reported that just 8,000 people had enrolled. HHS officials declined to provide an update, although they collect such figures monthly, because they have decided to report them on a quarterly basis.

“Like the rest of the country, we thought we’d have pretty much a stampede. That obviously hasn’t materialized,” said Michael Keough, executive director of North Carolina’s plan. With nearly 700 participants, it is among the nation’s largest so far, but it has one-third of the people expected by now.

You couldn’t see this coming? Well, Obama didn’t and he allocated 5 billion dollars to the program based on absolutely nothing. It’s like they picked a number out of a hat and that number read 5 billion.

So follow me here:

1. They didn’t have anything to support the $5 billion to create the program.
2. The actual number of people using the system is 97% less than predicted.

Add that up and you can only come up with the fact that Obama and pals don’t have a friggin clue.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Death Panels?? What Death Panels??

More lies from the Obama Regime are surfacing. Just as the putrid corpse of a drowning victim will rise after a short period, the stench of the sub-surface lies of ObamaCare is coming to the surface—one at a time.

Remember US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s statement that the Congress would have to pass the ObamaCare law for the citizens of the US to learn what is in it? Of course, you do! That’s why she will be the “FORMER” Speaker of the House is a few days!

Well, they passed it – and now we are learning, just as Pelosi said, what is in it. The majority of Americans STILL hate it! The more we learn about it, the more we learn what is in it, the more we hate it.

Obama is a fast learner. He has learned, since November 2nd that he must hide his machinations from the new Republican led House of Representatives. He is going to rely on his Czars and his regulatory agencies to pass into law the control over US citizens necessary to “fundamentally transform” (Obama’s words) America into the socialist utopia he dreams about. Conservative commentators and pundits warned Obama would do this… why… because he is an ideologue. He eats, sleeps, and breathes socialist ideology! He can’t help himself. He absolutely MUST bring down America’s constitutional republic.

Remember the “Death Panels” we were warned about by Sarah Palin and other conservatives. It was the so-called end-of-life plan written into the original ObamaCare Plan. When the public learned about it, all heck broke loose and the democrats were forced to drop it from the ObamaCare plan.

But never fear. Obama is doing an end run around the national legislature, the Congress, and forcing it on the American people, anyway! ObamaCare supporters refer to it as a “quiet victory.”

See what I mean?

A new Medicare regulation, which goes into effect next year, “… will pay doctors who advise patients on options for end-of-life care, which may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment.” Go here to read the entire article: (SOURCE: NEW YORK TIMES)

The Obama Regime, and his cohorts in the Democratic Party, were hoping to keep this quiet for they knew that once the public learned of it, they would immediately pressure their new Republican led House of Representatives to either force Medicare to abandon the regulation or cut off funding to effectively starve the regulation to death.

NOW – do you see why so many of us were concerned that Obama would use his regulatory agencies to force the full brunt of the ORIGINAL ObamaCare plan on America??? I am more convinced than ever that THAT is THE PLAN!

Czars, executive orders, and regulations have already begun pouring from the faucet of “Big Brother SOCIALIST” government. Watch for the stream to become a flood in very short order.

This, dear reader, is how you lose your freedom, your liberty, and your country.

But how could this possibly happen in AMERICA– to AMERICANS? The answer is simple, really: Ignorance and Apathy...(ATC Says - I would also add to that liberalism, perpetuated by those whom seemingly do not know history, or care to, in that the Socialist model has been tried in other countries and has failed every time!)

The public education system in America, the “government schools,” is turning out some of the least educated graduates on earth. The democrats run the schools. Ok, labor unions, then. But what’s the difference? They are symbiotic. They feed off each other.

Americans have no clue, anymore, about whom they are, where they come from, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, freedom, liberty, what it costs to obtain freedom and, even more important, what it costs to remain free. That is ignorance of the “deadly” kind.

The second deadly killer of freedom and liberty is not caring enough. Freedom and liberty must be cared about and CARED FOR.

Americans MUST get involved in the life of their nation. Why? The election of 2006 and 2008 ought to tell you everything you need to know. We placed our country into the hands of liberal-socialists, called democrats, and they, in turn, have taken America so far down the road of ultimate destruction that our actual survival as a free people is in serious question. The results of both those elections hinged on ignorance and apathy.

The ignorance and apathy of Americans also gave us ObamaCare – and—Obama’s “Death Panels”, government officials deciding who lives and who dies, who receives approved treatment as they approach the end of their lives – and who doesn’t.

And this is just the beginning. It WILL get worse. Trust me.

America has surely entered a time of great tribulation. The handwriting is glaring at us from the wall. America can not continue to survive on the path she chose in the 1960’s and continues on today.

The path to survival is narrow. It is hard, difficult, and certainly not pleasant. The path we are on, the path to destruction, is broad. It is wide and easy – not difficult at all. But at the end lies destruction.

America’s new Congress is going to need all the help it can get from the citizens of this country – even when Congress doesn’t want it.

I intend to aggravate the living daylights out of my congressman, who happens to be a conservative democrat. (I know that is difficult to believe.) The same goes for my Senators—one democrat and one republican. Why… because it is my job as a citizen… and as a father and grandfather.

America can be saved. She is worthy of being saved. But we cannot save her by sitting back and waiting on the next fellow to do it.

It is time to fight back—to fight for our freedom. Freedom, once lost, is almost never recovered. Doing nothing will certainly allow evil to triumph!

ATC Says - So Obama knows best and the will of the people be damned! Remember folks, The Czars are appointed only by him and only answerable to him, not the CON-gress and hence not the American People! When was it exactly that the role of government shifted from being a representative democracy of the to a republic of encapsulated elitists at the very top who govern solely for their own purposes and advancement of their own agendas?


Napolitano Announces Expansion of Gestapo Zones from Airport to Malls and Hotels

“The United States is stepping up security at ‘soft targets’ like hotels and shopping malls, as well as trains and ports, as it counters the evolving Al-Qaeda threat, a top official said Sunday,” reports AFP.

“We look at so-called soft targets — the hotels, shopping malls, for example — all of which we have reached out to in the past year and have done a fair amount of training for their own employees,” DHS boss Janet Napolitano said.

Big Sis Napolitano knows the government’s “See Something, Say Something” program to acclimate citizens to a police and surveillance state designed to rival anything established by East Germany’s Stasi is more Big Brotherism.

“It just sounds very Big Brother to me, turning in the next door neighbor.” CNN’s Candy Crowley said to Napolitano during an interview on “State of the Union.”

“It’s not,” Napolitano argued. “It depends on the common sense of the American people. I think they have common sense. And it depends on, again … getting through this notion that our safety, our security and the world we live in today is a shared responsibility.”

For bureaucrat Napolitano, the “common sense” of the American people means they will remain timid and apathetic. It means they will not protest and will tolerate going through porno-scanners and having goons stick their hands down their pants before they are allowed to shop at the local mall.

Napolitano defended the ambiguity of the snoop program. She said citizens can figure out for themselves who to snoop on and report to the authorities. Because there is no threat posed by al-Qaeda to the “homeland” – a word Big Sis used during the interview to refer to the United States – the government will receive thousands of calls from people turning in their neighbors for smoking marijuana, disciplining their children, or possessing entirely legal firearms.

“The overall message is everything is objectively better than it was a year ago, particularly in the aviation environment. But we’re also looking at addressing other areas,” Napolitano said about the plan to turn malls and hotels into Gestapo zones where the Bill of Rights does not exist and citizen-subjects are obliged under threat of violence and $11,000 fines to allow minimum wage goons to stick their hands down their pants.

“And so we have enhanced measures going on at surface transportation, not because we have a specific or credible threat there, but because we know, looking at Madrid and London, that’s been another source of targets for terrorists.”

Evidence largely ignored by the corporate media reveals that the Madrid bombings were an inside job. Two patsies, Jose Emilio Suarez Trashorras and Antonio Toro, were government informants, a fact reported by the New York Times and the Times Online. Trashorras had had the private telephone number of the head of Spain’s Civil Guard bomb squad.

In 2005, John Loftus revealed on Fox News that the supposed mastermind of the London bombings, Haroon Rashid Aswat, worked for British intelligence. In 1999, the U.S. Justice Department told prosecutors in Seattle to leave Aswat alone because he was a British intelligence asset.

Napolitano and the government cite the absurd underwear non-bombing as the reason they are aggressively moving the police state from airports to malls and hotels.

“The Detroit Christmas bomber was deliberately and intentionally allowed to keep his US entry visa as the result of a national security override issued by an as yet unknown US intelligence or law-enforcement agency with the goal of blocking the State Department’s planned revocation of that visa,” Webster Griffin Tarpley wrote in February.

Patrick F. Kennedy, Undersecretary of State for Management, revealed this when he testified before the House Homeland Security Committee on January 27.

The underwear non-bomber “Mutallab was a protected patsy being used by rogue elements of the US intelligence community for the deliberate and intentional creation of a high profile incident with the goal of obtaining a large-scale political effect,” argues Tarpley.

The staged event is also providing a pretext to turn malls and hotels into Gestapo zones. It was used earlier this month to promote the government’s snitch program.

It should be obvious where all of this is headed. Following the next staged non-bombing by a clueless patsy, the government will move from malls and hotels into the streets and neighborhoods of America.

How long before you will be subjected to a virtual strip search before you can buy food or other necessities?

ATC Says - Here we go ladies and gentlemen!. The choice is ours to make, or not. Will we allow this continued erosion of our freedoms and civil liberties and stand up to these bastards or are we content to be fleeced of them by an ever-growing bureaucracy! At what point America, will we realize that it is the liberal philosophy of political correctness that has made every man woman and child in this nation a "suspect" by violating the personal privacy and dignity of innocent civilians instead of using time proven police techniques of racial profiling so as to not offend the sensitivities of terrorists who are seeking to kill us! Time to wake up and resist the continuing slide into a police state people!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Governor Arnie to be appointed "Energy Tsar" In Obama Administration?

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the outgoing Republican Governor of California, has indicated he would accept a position as an "energy tsar" in President Barack Obama's Democratic administration.

Mr Schwarzenegger suggested he would like to go to Washington and influence national policy on clean energy use, and promote environmentalism.

The former Hollywood action star has until now refused to disclose what he plans to do after he leaves office next month.

Giving his first indication of what direction he wants to pursue however, Mr Schwarzenegger said he was a "very big believer in environmental issues" and wanted to build, at the national level, on legislation he enacted in California to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Mr Schwarzenegger suggested he was an ideal person to appeal to the American public at large on environmental issues because of his "celebrity power, knowledge and experience."

He added that energy consumers were more likely to listen to him about the need for reform because he would not be seen as a radical, adding: "People are very receptive when I talk about these things because I'm a Hummer driver not a tree-hugger."

ATC Says - Well he does have a uber-radical liberal wife with connections in high places - wouldn't surprise me in the least. These "tsar" positions are illegal and unconstitutional (as if that means anything anymore), Yet obongo has appointed more than any other president..........What amuses me the most are the fools out there that think we still have a 2-party system representing the populace rather than a single party system that caters to it's own special interests!


Monday, December 20, 2010

Govt 'creating vast domestic snooping machine'

WASHINGTON — The government is creating a vast domestic spying network to collect information about Americans in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks and subsequent terror plots, The Washington Post reported Monday.

The government is using for this purpose the FBI, local police, state homeland security offices and military criminal investigators, the daily added.

The system collects, stores and analyzes information about thousands of US citizens and residents, many of whom have not been accused of any wrongdoing, the report noted.

The government's goal is to have every state and local law enforcement agency in the country feed information to Washington to buttress the work of the FBI, noted the paper, which has conducted its own investigation of the matter.

According to the report, the network includes 4,058 federal, state and local organizations, each with its own counter-terrorism responsibilities and jurisdictions.

At least 935 of these organizations have been created since the 2001 attacks, The Post said.

The probe has revealed that technologies and techniques developed for use on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan have migrated into the hands of law enforcement agencies in the United States, the paper pointed out.

In addition, the FBI is building a database with the names and personal information of thousands of US citizens and residents, the report said.

The database is accessible to an increasing number of local law enforcement and military criminal investigators, the report noted.

In a bid to counter what is seen as a threat from radical Islam, some law enforcement agencies have hired as trainers people whose extremist views on Islam and terrorism are considered inaccurate and counterproductive by US intelligence agencies, the paper pointed out.

The cost of the network is difficult to measure, the paper said. But the Department of Homeland Security has given 31 billion dollars in grants since 2003 to state and local governments for homeland security and to improve their ability to find and protect against terrorists, The Post said.

Only this year, it gave 3.8 billion dollars to local law enforcement agencies.

ATC Says - I wonder how the liberals, who were so outraged and vocal about this when George W. Bushs' Administration was doing this, feels about this now that their messiah Obongo is doing the exact same thing.....oh yes, that's right ....not a fucking peep!


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Could the Government Shut Down? It's Possible

As senators attempt to wrestle this lame duck session to a close, with threats of extinguishing the Christmas holiday, priorities clashing with the dwindling calendar, and tempers flaring, one senior Senate Democratic leadership aide tells Fox all of this could lead to a government shutdown.

How could this happen?

The current stop-gap funding measure (called a Continuing Resolution - or CR, for short) that is keeping the government's doors open, employees paid, and the lights on expires on Saturday at midnight. The House passed a clean extension of the funding measure through fiscal 2011, but Senate Democrats, with the help of some of their Republican colleagues, have put together a $1.2 trillion omnibus spending measure that they want instead.

Many Republicans and a few Democrats have balked at the earmark-laden omnibus and have pledged to hold it up at all costs, though supporters have noted the pork accounts for less than 1% of the measure. Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky, who previously had earmarks inserted into the bill but now says he's opposed to the directed spending, said Wednesday that the chamber should, instead, pass a short-term CR to fund the government through February.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev, is expected to call up the omnibus sometime Thursday, and Republicans, including Sen. Jim DeMint, R-SC, are expected to pounce, demanding that the 1,924-page bill that was just introduced this week be read aloud by the clerks in the chamber, a move that is estimated to take about 35-40 hours.

That gets the Senate to sometime Saturday before Reid can even begin the procedural process to shut down the GOP filibuster. Once Reid files for cloture, a procedure that shuts down debate, technically there must be one intervening day before the cloture vote.

That would leave the government shut down on Sunday, as well as Monday, when the Senate would just be voting to end the blockade, a move that requires 60 votes. Final passage, technically-speaking, would then come after a 30-hour clock has run out, putting the Senate into late Monday or early Tuesday before final passage.

Then the measure must travel to the House, where House Republicans, staunchly against the earmarks in the omnibus bill, have vowed to work against the measure. More time must be expended to get to final passage there before the feds get their money.

If the government does shut down, this Democratic aide said, "It's not our fault," noting the GOP slowdown of the schedule.

One senior Senate GOP leadership aide took exception to that, telling Fox, "Talking about shutting down the government is not a win. We're two and a half weeks past the deadline for spending bills, and we're now on a treaty. We're not on a funding bill. And tomorrow morning, what will we be doing? A treaty. We didn't ask to go to the treaty."

All of that said, a number of aides on both sides of the aisle are expecting that cooler heads will eventually prevail, and the Senate will reach an agreement to wrap up the issue of funding the government by Saturday evening, in order to avert a government shutdown.

ATC Says - During a government shutdown all government employees are furloughed. Essential employees (law enforcement, military, first responders, etc.) are still required to show up for work, although they're technically not being paid. Non-essential employees are not required to show up for work.To my knowledge, the post office hasn't gotten direct federal funding in almost 30 years, so I don't think it would be affected by a shutdown.....although I could be wrong about this.

Unemployment checks would also stop well as other government entitlement programs such as food stamps, medicare and other taxpayer draining systems. Oh, and for those receiving social security checks........forget-a-bout-it.........If the post office is affected by this then I feel sorry for those people paying bills, or sending gifts that may be held up as a result of this, and if your bill is late - man the late fees .....and it's not even your fault!

Is it any surprise to anybody that the demonrats (Democrats) would try to add 1 trillion dollars to this massive bill including 9 billion dollars in pork barrel spending as we approach the Christmas holiday.........sneeky dirty underhanded politics ......and where is obama on this while bella-lagosi in the house is holding up the passage of his tax deal......not a peep....oh no certainly not against his own party! These politicians are playing with our lives while they play a game of politics and the demonrats try to use their opposition to this Omnibus bill in a desperate attempt to blame the Republicans of shutting down the government. and everybody's taxes increases Jan, 1 2011.......

One last thing of note, the last time this happened was in 1995 under Slick Willie Clinton......and the govt shut down......isn't it interesting how Obama and slick willie are such great pals that he can duck out of cover and let clinton handle the tax deal negotiations and take the flack for him.......Had enough of being a pawn yet people?


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

DHS confirms it's cheaper to deport every illegal alien than allowing them to stay

On December 3, Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, Nelson Peacock, responding to request from several U.S. Senators, including Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), wrote: “Our conservative estimate suggests that ICE would require a budget of more than $135 billion to apprehend, detain and remove the nation’s entire illegal immigrant population.”

In July 2010, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) released the results of a study which examined the costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local levels. The study found that U.S. state and local governments shell out $84.2 billion annually in various services (law enforcement, schools, social services, etc.), with California taxpayers alone, spending $21 billion on illegal aliens every year.

The same study found that $29 billion is spent every year in federal funds on illegal aliens.

So, while it would cost a one-time fee of about $135 billion to deport every single illegal alien in the country, it is actually a bargain considering the fact that it already costs us $113 billion annually to keep them here.

In other words, the mass deportation would pay for itself in a little over a year.

Incidentally, in 2007, the DHS estimated the cost of deporting all illegal aliens to be approximately $94 billion.

ATC Says - Every career politician in this country knows that it would be much less expensive in the long run to kick them all out (Illegals) as opposed to keeping them here and funding them at the taxpayers' expense. The very reason that both parties (Republican or Democrat) don't do not deport them is solely because they know they can manipulate illegal aliens and offer them voting privileges in return for political power. Simply put, Illegal aliens are a vast voting bloc that many politicians on both sides of the isle know they can exploit, and will continue to do so at our nations' very peril until "We the the People" do something to seriously change the way things are done in Washington! Until that happens, the cycle will continue and the nation will continue to hemorrhage money!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Illegal Immigration Issue Spawns Government Distrust

I am an American citizen. Showing my identification is routine. I show my I.D. when:

* Asked by any police officer

* Asking for credit or a loan

* Boarding an airplane or train

* Applying for college

* Applying for a passport, driver’s license or any other license.

The list goes on.

But wait. There are those who say that asking for I.D. if someone might be in the country ILLEGALLY, is tantamount to racial profiling. The ACLU and the current presidential administration is so adamant about preventing law enforcement from asking people for I.D., that they’ve sued our own sovereign state of Arizona for passing an anti-ILLEGAL immigration law. Not only that, they’ve solicited support from — you guessed it — other countries from South America and from the UN. In other words, President Obama lobbied for support outside the country against one of our own sovereign states, for passing a domestic law that gives police officers a right to ask about immigration status IF that person has been legally detained for another lawful reason. AGAINST OUR OWN STATE!

What a guy, that Barack Obama. Aren’t you just proud to call this man our president?

Meanwhile, his legal lackey, Eric Holder, happily dismissed charges against OBVIOUS voter intimidation violators in the 2008 election, without reason. His staff was so incensed, that one of the top prosecutors in the Justice Department resigned in protest. This is the same Attorney General, (lackey for the president) who chose to bring international war criminals, i.e. terrorists, into a New York State civilian courtroom instead of a military tribunal. In the most recent trial against Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, so much evidence was thrown out that the prosecution lost 284 out of 285 counts of criminal behavior against him.

So, what’s going on folks? Can you imagine a Dwight Eisenhower, or a JFK, or a Ronald Reagan seeking legal support from other countries against one of our states? It is beyond mind-boggling.

Past presidents, like Herbert Hoover, Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower enacted presidential decrees ordering sweeps of illegals for deportation, so that Americans could have jobs following the great depression and the end of wars when soldiers were coming home. Not this president. File suit against Arizona, that’s his response. Whine to the UN, that’s his response. Suck up to third world countries, like Bolivia, Venezuela and Mexico, to fight Arizona.

Is he president of the world? Or, of this country?

Click here: What did Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower have in common?

Click here: Latin American Nations Join Mexico In Lawsuit

I always did have doubts about his loyalty as an American. He never sways me.

During the Bush administration and now Obama’s, the pat answer to all of America’s woes concerning the multi-violated border, has been the so-called need for “Comprehensive Immigration Reform,” which — translated — is nothing more than a path for amnesty.

Meanwhile, immigrants who have followed the law and earned their citizenship are aghast to see that breaking immigrations laws might have had its rewards after all.


They are not all “undocumented workers.” No one knows what percentage of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in America are actually here to work, or what percentage are here to steal, join gangs, traffic drugs or even engage in terrorist activities. But one thing we do know, is that the federal government has shamefully failed to secure the borders and to effectively enforce laws against illegal crossings. The government is more interested in the rights of illegal immigrants, than the rights of law-abiding, tax-paying Americans. How pathetic can it get?

It’s a cop’s job to ask questions. The law proposed by Florida Senator Mike Bennett simply gives authority for cops to ask about legal status when a suspect has violated a law. Opponents have no logical argument against, other than the same worn-out cliches about “racial profiling.”

Police officers of 2011 walk on eggshells to avoid the mere appearance of profiling, to the detriment of public safety. The term has been used and abused by politicians as a scare tactic to propel their amnesty agenda. Unfortunately, too many people fall for it.

Every poll, both state wide and national, shows that the American people are overwhelmingly in favor of the Arizona anti-ILLEGAL immigration law. Maybe someone should inform our president?

There are those who see illegal immigrants as poor, helpless, job-seekers who would love to be Americans. That may be true for some, but not all. Check this out:

Click here: Newsvine – American Flag Desecration- Phoenix

Click here: Video shows AZ capitol flag desecration

It all boils down to politics. If you think Barack Obama has pangs in his heart for the poor ILLEGAL immigrants, think again. He knows full well that the cops are not “profiling.” He’s a politician first, and a humanitarian second. Twelve million former illegals, would make twelve million new democrats. That’s an irreversible voting block. He would be the hero of the amnesty illegals, thus securing democratic administrations for time ad infinitum.

That’s the reality, folks.

ATC Says - So I am a LEGAL American citizen (emphasis on LEGAL!) and there are many instances as a LEGAL Citizen where, in going about my day-to-day business, that I must present my ID (i.e. papers) to prove who I am........This happens to all of us irregardless or our race. Here are just a few:

1. Pulled over by the police.
2. Making purchases on my department store credit card.
3. When I show up for a doctor's appointment.
4. When filling out a credit card or loan application.
5. When applying for or renewing a driver's license or passport.
6. When applying for any kind of insurance.
7. When filling out college applications.
8. When donating blood.
9. When obtaining certain prescription drugs.
10. When making some debit purchases, especially if I'm out of state.
11. When collecting a boarding pass for airline or train travel.

I'm sure there are more instances, but the point is that we citizens of the USA are required to prove who we are nearly every day!

Why should people in this country illegally, be exempt!!!!!

Why shouldn't we guard our borders as closely as every other country in the world does?

Why? WHY?

Two words folks...............POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!


In pushing Obama health care, Nancy Pelosi dismisses authority of US Constitution!

(NaturalNews) - Yesterday, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson ruled that a key provision in Obama's health care plan violates the US Constitution. The "minimum essential coverage provision," Judge Hudson ruled, would force American consumers to buy a government-mandated insurance product whether they wish to buy it or not. There is no provision in the US Constitution that grants Congress the power to force consumers to buy into such a monopoly -- the very idea seems ludicrous.

But not to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She believes that her power to force Americans to purchase whatever products and services the government wants them to buy is somehow granted by the Constitution.

In what is now seen as a curiously instructive question-and-answer exchange, one year ago Nancy Pelosi engaged in the following dialog with CNS News: "Madam Speaker, where specifically does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to enact an individual health insurance mandate?

Pelosi: "Are you serious? Are you serious?" "Yes, yes I am."

CNS News goes on to report: (

Pelosi then shook her head before taking a question from another reporter. Her press spokesman, Nadeam Elshami, then told that asking the speaker of the House where the Constitution authorized Congress to mandated that individual Americans buy health insurance as not a "serious question."

"You can put this on the record," said Elshami. "That is not a serious question. That is not a serious question."

Absolute power need not explain itself

What's clear from this exchange is that Nancy Pelosi believes Congress has absolute power over the people to simply invent whatever mandates, requirements or restrictions it wants, regardless of what powers were actually granted to the Congress under the US Constitution.

It is the Constitution, after all, to which Congress owes its existence in the first place. Certain, specific powers are granted to the Congress under the Constitution, with the remainder of powers being reserved to the People or the States. Nowhere in the Constitution do the founding fathers of our nation grant Congress the power to force the American people to spend their money on government-favored monopoly service providers -- and that's precisely what Obamacare mandates.

The question of where Congress gets its authority to enact such mandates is an intelligent and reasonable question that any lawmaker should be willing to answer. But instead of answering this question, Nancy Pelosi simply dismisses it as ridiculous.

Her aide says, "That is not a serious question." But I disagree. I believe it is the most serious question of all. Because if the US Congress is now acting outside its limited powers and simply rewriting the Constitution to match whatever political whims it fancies at the moment, then the freedom of our Republic is lost and we already live under tyrannical rule.

Tyrants do not answer pesky questions from the little people

Time and time again, we now see modern bureaucrats dismissing the very notion that even asking about the source of their authority is a legitimate question. To question the authority of Congress now seems to be regarded as something of an act of terrorism. How dare you question your King?

Remember, it is the duty of all free citizens to slap the hands of government when it threatens to overreach its limited authority. With yesterday's ruling, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson slapped the hands of both Nancy Pelosi and President Obama, sending them a clear message that you cannot simply steamroll over the Constitution and mandate whatever laws and rules you'd like to see realized in your own megalomaniacal fantasies.

There are protections in the Constitution that were put there precisely to protect the People from tyrants. That is, in fact, the primary purpose of the Bill of Rights -- to protect the People from the inevitably expansion of power by bureaucrats who always seek to control more, regulate more, and accumulate more power in taking over more and more areas of everyday life that should be left up to free people.

Your decision of what kind of doctor you wish to choose -- conventional versus naturopathic or complementary, for example -- is your decision, not the government's decision. For Big Government to mandate that all people must spend thousands of dollars a year to support a failed, disastrously harmful conventional medical system that actually kills over half a million Americans a year is extremely unethical if not downright illegal.

And yet that's exactly what Obama's health care law attempts to do. It seeks to force you to participate in a government-protected sick-care monopoly. And if you choose not to participate, you'll get a little visit from IRS agents who will simply extract the required money from your bank account... by force if necessary.

That such a scheme could be advocated by Nancy Pelosi and other bureaucrats in Washington tells you just how far they've already marched down the seductive path of government tyranny.

It is up to people like you and me to resist this tyranny and stand up for our Constitutional protections so that we may live as free citizens, with our free choice intact, and without the government forcing us to participate in a failed health care system that, statistically speaking, harms far more people than it helps.

Let us hope that the US Supreme Court will also have the wisdom to recognize the constitutional violations in this health care legislation and strike it down.

ATC Says - We can only hope, but I fear that in the end the criminals and tyrants that be will only get what they want until we the people have the will and determination to rise up in collective outrage and anger and chase them from their positions of power and put in place a new institution, free of the longstanding corruption and career politics that have dominated the system for, well as long as I can remember.....


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

WikiLeaks Being Used to Justify "Patriot Act" Legislation For Internet

Senator Mitch McConnell called Assange a "high-tech terrorist" on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday and said, "if it‘s found that Assange hasn’t violated the law, then the law should be changed."

Over the weekend, an insightful article by Zen Gardner exposed how WikiLeaks resembles an establishment creation. The article correctly pointed out that the WikiLeaks storyline was conforming nicely to the elite's problem-reaction-solution method, with the solution of more tyranny for our safety. WikiLeaks is being used to bring in the agenda on so many levels, but most importantly by setting the precedent of shutting down websites for politically "dangerous" content. Gardner writes:
After all, if information is now the enemy, we must carefully police any and every aspect of this dangerous medium -- all for the safety and protection of 'we the people.'
Oh, we’ll still have the Internet, just like you can still fly. You’ll just have to be on the 'approved' list, screened, stamped, zapped, mugged and molested if you want to get 'on the net.' No biggie. Thanks Julian -- job well done.

First, let's be clear, the 250,000 pages of cables amounted to some geopolitical Jerry Springer he-said-she-said nonsense to make countries look petty and stupid. They revealed nothing new that wasn't already known or well suspected. The information simply stoked existing flames by airing geopolitical dirty laundry, nothing more -- no secret weapons, no major arms deals, no tactical locations of troops, and no revealing the ID of secret agents, etc.

Yet, the government has used its corporate muscle to illegally limit access to WikiLeaks. It was recently revealed that Amazon, the server host for WikiLeaks, caved to political pressure to drop the website. Then, in dictatorial fashion, PayPal removed its service for donations to WikiLeaks, and now their bank account has been frozen. And all this comes a week after the shutdown of 80-plus websites for "copyright infringement," apparently in preparation for passing the "Blacklist" bill.

Now, Gardner's weekend speculation and McConnell's call for action has turned into political reality. The Hill reports today that Senators unveil anti-WikiLeaks legislation, which seems to be a sort-of "Patriot Act" for the Internet. It's astonishing how fast these guys can write legislation when major events occur. And again, it's tyranny-saurus rex, Joe Lieberman, leading the charge with scandal-ridden Ensign (R-Nev.) and empty-suit Scott Brown (R-Mass.). Ensign was quoted:
WikiLeaks is not a whistleblower website and Assange is not a journalist.
That, we agree with. Yet, therein lies the concern for establishing new Internet rules of what can and can't be discussed, and who qualifies as a "journalist." Look, Assange is clearly either a kinda-smart "useful idiot" or a brilliant insider to the elite. He is certainly not a genuine whistleblower. Admittedly, though, for those of us who hoped he was the real thing, the elite have used some savvy tactics to boost WikiLeaks' rogue credibility in order to confuse us. The White House has sent down a warning to government agencies to restrict employee access to WikiLeaks in order to make Assange and crew appear dangerously off limits. Apparently, this warning has already trickled down to "potential" government employees as well. It was revealed that the State Department warned Columbia University students who may apply for a Federal job:
DO NOT post links to these documents nor make comments on social media sites such as Facebook or through Twitter.
In other words, the Thought Police are out in full force telling job-hungry students to not apply if they discuss current events if authorities label those events dangerous or harmful to America. Soon, they'll most likely publicly fire a mid-level employee who went over the line to prove how serious they are. After all, they desperately need to keep the slaves on the plantation. Furthermore, an Interpol arrest warrant has been issued for Julian Assange for shady rape charges, making him an internationally "wanted" man.

And Assange is playing the clever but likable villain part so well, too, claiming to have an encrypted "insurance" file in case anyone kills him or terminates the website.

Assange is the perfect international man of mystery with the dark shades in press conferences; endless mainstream media interviews with his exotic accent and short temper; and his famous silver-blond locks. What a great show they're putting on for us. I'm sure the movie industry is already clamoring for the rights to the script.
In the meantime, it has become the typical political game show.

Only in America could Cablegate become such a divide-and-conquer partisan issue. The Right have successfully defined WikiLeaks as a dangerous terrorist organization and desire the assassination of its leader, while the Left defends the public's right to knowledge, but disparages the damage the documents may cause, thus setting up the obvious bipartisan compromise: tighter control and surveillance of the Internet.
It will go down like this: the Right's extreme calls for Assange's execution will give the establishment the publicly defensible compromise to at least shut down their website by way of pressuring their service providers, etc.

And the wimpy Left will compromise by letting it happen, while Assange will be allowed to remain alive and free.
It fits ever so perfectly for them to extend the definition of an "enemy combatant" to a website that publishes "anti-government" material. Enter Attorney General Eric Holder, who has authorized "significant" action into the probe of WikiLeaks. Can't you just smell the tyranny coming to the Internet?

Ron Paul said it best in his book Revolution: A Manifesto: "Truth is treason in an empire of lies." Paul reiterated this principle of transparency in a recent interview. Paul said we need more WikiLeaks if we expect to live in a free society:
'In a free society we're supposed to know the truth,' Paul insisted. 'In a society where truth becomes treason, then we're in big trouble.'
Given the angry calls for action and today's developments of government proposals, not to mention the blight of Internet legislation already on the table, we will likely get the exact opposite of the free-flow of information that Paul is advocating. In fact, if history is any indicator, get ready for nothing less than the Patriot Act for the Internet!

ATC Says - Of interest to note is that Julian Assange is now under arrest and is being held in custody by London Police where his lawyer is fighting against an extradition order by the Swedish Government on what appears to be conveniently timed trumped up rape charges....on that - time will tell. But it is interesting that he is not being charged with the releasing of sensitive documents. I find it odd that such an issue involving our Top Secret files would be a matter of more import and that the President and the Dept of In-Justice would be all over this. Isn't it interesting how a lowly Private had access to over 1million pages of sensitive files? What about him.....I for one never had a problem with Assange, from my point of view, he was merely disseminating files that were given to him by third party - His crime, - giving the people a bit of transparency in Obama's otherwise opaque administration!

This whole distraction is now being used to user in this "e-Patriot Act" - oh the liberals remember that one with their hanging or burning effigies of Bush or him with a Hitler mustache! I wonder how these same liberals will feel now as this Democrat President resurrects it's very spirit and moves to limit their access and FREE speech on the internet! Will Chris Mathews of CNN still get that same tingle down his leg? When will people see this for what it is and stand up against it? Is their any fight left in anybody anymore?


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Oil Drilling Moratorium is an Act of Treason

If you had any doubt that Barack Obama’s agenda is to destroy the United States of America, but still want more proof, I offer you the announcement that his administration will not provide any offshore oil leases in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, Pacific, or Atlantic coasts...for at least seven years!

impeach-obamaIn October, a study by the Maguire Energy Institute at Southern Methodist University concluded that the reduction of shallow water oil drilling permits that followed the BP oil spill would put as many as 40,000 jobs at risk and cost the region $4.3 billion in lost wages and revenues.

At the same time, a consortium of foreign oil companies led by the Spanish firm, Repsol, working with India’s state-run Oil & Natural Gas Company and Norway’s StatoilHydro are exploring for oil off the coast of Cuba where drilling in its waters will proceed even while American and other oil companies will be denied access to vast reserves off the coasts of all of the Gulf States.

From Alaska to Florida, offshore of California or any of the East Coast States, Obama is destroying America’s energy future in the same fashion his administration has done everything in its power to shut down the nation’s coal mining industry.

Here are the statistics that demonstrate how dependent we are on fossil fuels: In total they provide 84.9% of the energy Americans use. Of that, coal provides 22.4% and oil represents 39.2%, while natural gas accounts for 23.2%. Other energy sources include nuclear power at 8.3%, hydroelectric at 2.4% and the least efficient and dependable, wind at 0.3% and solar at 0.08%. (Data source: the Institute for Energy Research)

In March, Gov. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a Democrat, said, “President Obama has made his intentions to bankrupt the coal industry clear. EPA’s actions this week demonstrate that he will wage a war against the energy source that generates half of America’s electricity and is our nation’s most abundant, reliable, and affordable energy sources.”

Gov. Manchin said that estimates were that the administration’s actions would affect 65,000 members of the Appalachian workforce who would lose some of the highest-paying jobs available in the region. At least $12 billion in lost economic development was forecast.

Nor is the Obama attack on the nation’s energy supply restricted to coal and oil.

In October, the Obama administration demanded $880 million in exchange for a $7.5 billion loan guarantee necessary to the construction of a Maryland nuclear facility. The plant would have generated thousands of jobs as well as needed megawatts of electricity for that State’s residents. The project was cancelled.

State by State as America ceases to mine its own coal and loses access its own oil reserves, the prices of energy which will have to be imported will rise while thousands of jobs related to these industries disappear, wrecking the economies of entire communities and delaying the recovery of energy-rich States.

These are acts of treason against the nation, if not in the narrow legalistic definition, but in the larger context of the harm being done to a nation for which affordable, abundant energy has been at the core of its economy and well-being.

The moratorium is the equivalent of an act of war on the ability of Americans to have the energy they need to recover from the present economy, to provide the jobs necessary to that recovery, and to fuel everything from the utilities that generate electricity and the nation’s fleet of trucks that transport the vast bulk of all goods.

This agenda of economic destruction has been carried out since Obama took office in 2009. It is the reason Obamacare was inflicted on the nation, asserting control over one sixth of the nation’s economy. It is the reason the government took over General Motors and Chrysler. It is the reason Obama failed to come back from South Korea with a trade treaty and has stalled others in the pipeline.

In countless ways, the engine of the federal government is being used to betray and impoverish Americans.

Cry treason! For that is what it is.

From the very onset of this Muslim President taking office, everything he has implemented has done nothing but to further damage the economy of this country and gut the middle class - and now with this moratorium which is effectively killing thousands of more jobs that his administration is supposedly working so hard to protect - well, that is when he's not off on another overpriced vacation at our expense that is! Has anybody ever seen such a president before who has done so little for this country yet feel so inclined to take so many vacations in your life? Aside from the loss in jobs that this moratorium brings, it further deepens our dependence of foreign oil from people who not only happen to be muslims like our president, but do not hold the best interests of America at heart and in many ways help to supply and arm our enemies through subterfuge.....And all this for what - to further his green agenda by continuing to assault the coal and oil producing industry.....Even though the man-caused global warming science has been revealed to be the masterbatory fantasy of Al Gore....and exaggerations of several liberal scientists!... I dread to see the state this country will be left in when we are finally free of this President and his liberal CON-gress' policies and hope that there will be a lesson learn t here by the fools who were duped by him and elected him to power (Those gullible sheeple) but I doubt it.........liberalism is a disease and a blight on this country's prosperity.....its is a destructive mindset not only aimed at the moral decline of our great nation, the feminization of our military, allows for the destruction of our cultural identity though unchecked immigration, and our ability to defend ourselves from our enemies......Obama is about as likely to be impeached as he is to be brought up before a federal judge regarding his Citizenship and legitimacy to be the president of the United States! So, since it more than appears that we cannot usurp this criminal regime through the courts, we can only continue to fight it and resist it as best that we can while operating within the realm of law...... (their law unfortunately) ......and continue to expose the treason they, the Democratic Congress is continuing to commit against the American people....... to the people so they understand......They are starting to listen........Opposition is growing.......


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Obama Socialist Regime Moves For Control of the Internet

Socialist Regime Moves For Control of The Internet FCC will take first steps to control the Internet

It’s called “Net Neutrality.” Sounds fair, right? I mean -- that’s what the liberal-socialist democrats are all about, right? Fairness is their utmost priority, right? Why, they’d never do anything to limit the freedom of Americans … riiiiight?

If you believe all that, then prepare yourself for a rude awakening.

When a political movement intends to takeover a nation’s government, one of the very first things it absolutely MUST DO … is take control of that nation’s communications networks. It must be able to control access to communications if it expects its efforts to be successful.

I began warning readers that the Obama Regime would make an effort to take over the Internet from the early days of the Obama reign. It was as plain as the nose on my face that to make the fundamental change in America that Obama swore he would make, then he would have to gain control of the nations communications. There have been very few successful revolutions in modern history in which the broadcasting stations, networks, and newspapers were not first compromised, or taken over completely by the revolutionaries -- or just shut down.

The Internet is a “thorn in the flesh” of the liberal-socialists in the current American government. It gives them NIGHTMARES!

Conservative bloggers have been the cause of great consternation in the White House and the West Wing and even to those liberal-socialist senators and congresspersons on The Hill. They have been seething with anger at the ability of conservatives to get disseminate their message of Obama’s shadow government and his sub-rosa strategy to convert America to a European style socialist state, not only to Americans, but around the globe -- at the click of a mouse.

Their embarrassment when confronted by fellow socialist leaders in countries they favor, such as Venezuela and Cuba, is overwhelming. And they can bear it no longer!

So, they have decided they must make the initial step to grab control of the Internet and bring it to heel as a servant of the socialist regime of Obama.

Never mind that the courts have already told them the Federal Communications Commission has no authority to regulate the Internet. They are going to do it anyway. This is typical of the socialist Obama Regime. They have been ruling against the will of the American people since day one.

The National Journal reports, in an article by David Hatch and Eliza Krigman, the following: “The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission unveiled a new initiative today he said would preserve the openness of the Internet but that critics attacked on two fronts, with watchdog groups saying it watered down the Web's egalitarian roots and conservatives saying it opened the door to excessive regulation.”
The report goes on to say: “The proposal split the agency along party lines, with the five-member commission’s two GOP members quickly condemning it and setting the stage for a partisan vote that could draw a backlash next year from the GOP-controlled House.

“I strongly oppose this ill-advised maneuver. Such rules would upend three decades of bipartisan and international consensus that the Internet is best able to thrive in the absence of regulation,” wrote Robert McDowell, the FCC’s senior Republican.

GOP member Meredith Attwell Baker warned: “We do not have authority to act. The new majority of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce has asked the commission not to circulate this order, and a clear majority of all members of Congress has expressed concern with our Internet policies. Whether the Internet should be regulated is a decision best left to the directly elected representatives.”

The report continues: “The fight over “network neutrality” has been brewing for years and has divided much of the telecom industry and Congress, with many conservative Democrats joining Republicans in opposition. While the topic may seem technical and obscure, it boils down to a question of whether the Internet remains an open platform in which every website is on equal footing, or whether fast lanes are established that grant priority treatment to websites and online services willing to pay for such privileges.” (You may read the entire article (HERE).)

I am convinced this is the “foot in the door” for which the Obama Regime has been searching.
But it is all about “fairness” ... right? Allow me to ask this: How are conservative bloggers going to feel when they are ORDERED by the FCC to place links to opposing viewpoints, espoused by some left-wing socialist, on their blogs? Oh, its coming if the new Congress doesn’t bring the FCC to heel … and fast!

We suggest the US House of Representatives shut off all funding to the FCC until they back off their socialist scheme to control this nation’s communications via the Internet. Plus, we ask for a bill to be introduced in the House to make it unlawful for the FCC, the FTC, or any other government agency, to regulate the Internet.

It is time to speak up for freedom of speech, once again. It is time to defend the Internet from those who intend to take it over and, ultimately use it to champion socialist, left wing causes and spread their liberal-socialist venom into practically every home in America.

As in every war victory comes by winning one battle at a time. Do not deceive yourself. We are at war for the freedom of Americans. One of our most effective weapons is the Internet. We cannot allow it to be taken from us. I am convinced that is exactly what the FCC, under the Obama Regime, intends to do.

To the barricades! The war continues!

ATC Says - It is a prime duty of any dictatorship to immediately seek to control the flow of information and regulate the expression of speech is it not? Dark times beacon my friends, freedom as we have known and enjoyed it is about to radically be redefined!