Oh heck, let’s just give him every award then.
by James Buchanan
Even moderates and some liberals are shocked that Obama has been awarded a Nobel Peace Prize after accomplishing absolutely nothing and backpedaling on his promises to pull out of Iraq. The nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize must be submitted by February 1st of each year. Barack Obama was sworn in as president just past noon on January 20th. This means Obama had just nine and a half days to actually do something to earn that prize.
Did Obama declare an end to the Iraq war? Did he declare that the neocons committed crimes and lied us into that war? Did he admit that the war on Afghanistan was really a retaliation against the Taliban awarding a multi-billion dollar pipeline project to Bridas Oil of Argentina instead of giving it to Unocal? Did he expose all the secret information about the 911 incident and the extent of CIA and/or MOSSAD involvement? No.
The truth is there were several things he could have done to earn a Nobel Prize, but he did none of them. If Ron Paul had been elected president, he would have likely halted patrols in Iraq, declared the occupation ended and begun the withdrawal of US troops in his first few days. Ron Paul could have and would have earned a Nobel Prize based on his first nine days in office.
Barack Obama however chose to be an obedient puppet for the sinister forces that control the US government. Obama’s closest advisor, Israeli dual-citizen Rahm Emanual, no doubt told Obama to keep US troops in Iraq because that’s what the Israeli Lobby demands of him.
As long as the liberal world feels obliged to shower honors on Barack Obama, maybe they’ll also award him the Nobel Prize for literature for those two books that Bill Ayers wrote for him and an Oscar for pretending to be a natural born US citizen. Heck, let’s give him the title of Miss America too while we’re at itOk folks, The deadline for nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize was just 12 days after this joke was elected. What single thing has Obama done up until that time to promote peace? Nothing, That's what! Well aside from being a lawyer for Child Porn friendly ACORN and sitting in a racist church drinking Reverend Wright's kool-aide. What a sham, this only goes to prove what a meaningless award the Nobel Peace Prize is, to give it to someone who has accomplished nothing, well at least he's not alone just look at who else has received the award. The Fraud Al (Bore) Gore, And Socialist peanut farmer Jimmy Carter who still goes out of his way to hurt America.
By God it's a 12 day miracle, someboby pass me the Hope-ium!
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