With America having ruined its finances through excessive debt, the new administration is urging more hair of the dog that bit us: borrowing another $820 billion or so for ?fiscal stimulus?. (Just brilliant, from the point of view of the criminal gouging us for more money!)
Of course, in all the infrastructure spending in the Democrats? bill, there?s no mention of beefing up or speeding up one massive infrastructure project already underway: the lagging border fence. (oh, that. Well Obama will no doubt be tearing that down just as sure as he's closing Guant?namo Bay!)
The rationalizations for the stimulus keep changing. Obama?s latest featured money pit?wind and solar energy!?being a desperate throwback to last summer when gasoline prices were twice as high.
Sure, none of it makes much sense. But for Obama, politically, it?s a no-lose proposition. Either the economy gets better and he takes credit; or the economy flatlines and he demands more fiscal defibrillation. (true unfortunately, who cares that the middle class gets gutted for footing the bill! Just a reminder to all you liberals out there ---- One of his many campaign promises which he has broken was that he would not tax the middle class)
In either case, he gets to give huge sums of other people?s money (our fucking money!) to the politically well-positioned. The taxpayers will eventually have to pay for all the new borrowing, but most of the bill will likely come due after the 2012 election. (Isn't that nice, so in the meantime this president gets to skate on the ice and look good, unless he runs again in 2012!)
Our economic problem, though, is more severe than a temporary downturn. We now know that our purported wealth as of July 1, 2007 was illusory, based on a mountain of leverage teetering on the unquestioned assumption that some drywallers in Palmdale would actually pay off their half-million dollar mortgages.
From 2001 onward, there was no real economic growth in America, just pseudo-growth ginned up by home equity withdrawals. Our trade balance, for example, averaged over 5 percent of GDP throughout Bush?s second term.
I would also like to add that doing away with Illegal Immigration would do alot to boost the economy as well! Illegal immigrants are a drain on our welfare systems and healcare and costs California $1 billion annually
Although most federal benefit programs bar those who cannot prove their citizenship, California has been more generous than other states. Its taxpayers contribute more than $1 billion annually to cover the health care costs of illegal residents.
The state Department of Health Care Services estimates 768,400 undocumented immigrants will receive coverage this fiscal year through Medi-Cal, the health program funded by state and federal tax money. The cost: $1.2 billion.CLICK HERE TO GO BACK TO MAIN PAGE................or HERE TO GO HOME
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