by James Buchanan

[Obama cultists]
One of the creepiest manifestations of the Obama cult is the transformation of “urban youth” (read blacks and Hispanics) into Obama cult votaries. They sing songs in praise of The One, writing group letters to The One, and generally comporting themselves in the manner of Red pioneer youth in the old Soviet Union. One especially creepy song session can be found in the video below.
An NBC news article reports “Mia Henry wants to teach Barack Obama how to use iPhoto. She wants to show the president how to take pictures and create podcasts, just like she does as a member of the Barack Obama Digital Media Team, a group of students from Crenshaw High School who are determined to get invited to the White House. ‘I’d also tell him of my dreams to go to college, so I can work with autistic children as a child psychologist,’ Henry said.”
Whatever happened to normal White American children who want to become firemen and astronauts? What kind of strange socialist child wants to grow up to work with autistic children?
The NBC article notes “Using Barack Obama as inspiration, teacher Daphne Bradford has created projects Crenshaw and Dorsey high schools — schools in poverty-ridden sections of Los Angeles — to engage students to learn technological and cooking skills… At Crenshaw High, students on the Barack Obama Digital Media Team use technology to create digital art inspired by the president. They call it their Journey to the White House campaign… Students recorded video letters to the President aboard the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus…”
Excuse me, but I just had to throw up. Isn’t the use of public schools to recruit political cannon fodder in a partisan election campaign illegal? Silly me. I forgot these are blacks. The law doesn’t apply to them. What will happen a few years from now when the regime needs thugs and shock troops, and they start passing out rifles to these young political militants who are now being taught to worship The One as a god?
Does this video remind anybody of anything, speaking from a historic perspective that is, or is it just me? Hitler, Stalin, Kim Jon Il, etc. etc (Insert Dictator's Name Here).
Speaking of recent history without getting into the Hitler Youth and all, this reminds me of North Korea and their praise/worship songs for Kim Jong Il......disturbing!! do a little googling and youtube-ing. I think you will see what I mean how childern...and all adults for that matter sing and praise Kim Jong Il like a like a hero/god. Because they essentially have no communication with the outside world, all that they get to hear is what their savior Kim Jong Il wants them to hear......making himself look like a hero to them obviously....and how could they believe otherwise?!? this whole situation in America and Obama, in my opinion, parallels North Korea to a frightening extent. People are almost too brainwahsed, by the crooked news media, to notice what's going on in this country. They are too enamoured with how great of a leader/hero that Obama is that they they fail to see the bigger picture and the lame truth in what they call their American hero Obama. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!
Shades of Hitler Youth or communist indoctrination....Seems pretty obvious to me!
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